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12 cars are loaded.
The shadows stands by.

They went on three ways.
The shadows are divided into 4 teams as well as the cars.

Porche drives his bike.
He is on his regular clothes.

He follows Kinn's car.
He avoided talking to Kinn since. The young master wake up this morning.
He makes himself busy in doing nonsense things. Just to avoid Kinn.

Big and the other wounded are a bit better. But everyone is very carefully till they scaped the west they went through south rather than going straight to north.

Porche let every car go. Wayne is on monitor of everything.

Porche then is left behind.
He entered the vicinity.

"They are on their way home Khun" Porche said.

"Mr Chan is ready for them. Thank you Porche." The old man said.

"It is my duty Khun" Porche said and he bowed.

"Do you protect him out of obligations?" The old man asked.

Porche smiled.

"You know that is not true Khun." Porche said.

"Then do my say it is your duty. Good thing he have not heard it." The old man said.

Porche smiled.

"Okay. I did it for him. I want him to be safe. I need him to be safe." Porche said.

"Khun. Porche. I am sorry they to invade your parent's house." The old man said.

"Kinn have the right to see it also. I think he deserve t know a bit of my childhood. Unfair cause I know everything about him" Porche said.

The old man smiled.

"Son. Yesterday is extraordinary" the old man said.

"Khun. Be more careful. The target is now from within. The west is used eliminate Kinn's shield. It is good shadows are hidden. They really plotted it Khun." Porche said.

"Then we really need to be more careful" the old man said

Porche phone vibrated.
He answered it.

"Porche they traced your old house. It now burned to the grounds." Wayne said.

Porche dropped his phone.

The old man stand. He heard it all.

"Hello Porche. Good thing you are all gone when they came.
They sorround the house and fired on everything. They learned it is empty so they get inside and burned it to the ground." I have the CCTV safe. Porche." The voice continued and calls. Porche.

Porche picked up his phone and turned it off

He get in his bike and drive. One bike came to him and tried to hit him. He get his gun and shoot the wheel. And another came. He aimed every bullet makes the enemies fall.

Then two cars are on his side.

The shadows.
They lead those that follows them to the burned house.
The cleaners are there but when they saw the commotion they shoot those that follows Porch and  the two cars.

All the enemies car can't move. They run from the cars for it will soon blow up.

The cleaners shit on them it was an electric guns. Till they passed out.

Porche kick on something in the ground. He shot a gun on a lock.

The enemies are tied and guided to enter the den.

Obsessed (KinnPorche)FFWhere stories live. Discover now