closest to my heart

528 26 3

There is a loud thud!

The place shakes.

Vegas and Pete run to where Macau is.
Mr. Chan and Porche run to Korn while the other body guard get Kan.

Kan laughed loud.
"You never learned of who are the other snakes I'm your roof"

A group of men. In black clothes and head cover pointed gun on Korn Kinn and Chan

The other bodyguard that picked Kan up was shot.
Me. Chan run to him.

Then the men scaped.

"Pete!" Porche shouted.

"Go!" Mr Korn said.

Porche run to find Pete but Pete and Macau are together.

"Vegas?" Porche asked

Pete then leave Macau and run out of the room. Me. Chan and Korn get inside the room
Porche looked at the exit and Macau then the.Chan and Mr. Korn.

"Go!" Mr Chan said.

Porche run to the exit.

Vegas is inside the car but Pete is not gonna get in

"Pete!" Porche shouted.

One man is to shot Porche but Khan stopped him.

"Let's go!" Khan shouted
But Vegas hesitated.

One man then shot Pete.

Vegas was stunned but he get the gun his father holds and shot the guy that shot Pete and he run to Pete.

Mr. Khan is pissed.
So he leave without his son's.

"Pete!" Vegas shouted.

A cleaner came with stretcher.
Then they placed Pet safely.

To the infirmary.

Porche is stunned seeing only three cleaners standing and the rest are shot or burned. But none died.

Again a gun shot.

Vegas is the one holding a gun and shot one of his father's man. That just entered the door.

Pete is taken care by the cleaner's doctor.

His arm is shot lots of blood loss. Good thing they still have stock of blood. Type O.

Vegas and Porche look at each other from time to time.

Pete is sleeping.
Macau came and check on Pete.

Silence between Porche and Vegas.

Porche cannot handle the athmosphere so he walked away from the recovery room

He checked on the receiving area that is bombed.
He looks at the evidences left.

Bodies of dead are still there.
The cleaners are harmed this will be taken care later.

"Por have his tracking device that is why they knew this place." Vegas said.

Porche turned around to see Vegas.

Vegas walked to the sofa and sat there.

"Tell me Porche what did you feel when you learned about that." Vegas asked.

Porche sighed.

"I don't wanna think. I don't wanna feel.
I don't wanna believe." Porche said. With firm face and clenched jaw.

Vegas smirked.

"I don't wanna believe also but knowing the dirty background of the damn family. I think it is not far from truth." Vegas said.

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