
650 23 9

Author's Note.
Thanks for waiting for the updates
Get ready to be confused.

Kim, and Tankhun was taken to where Kinn is.
10 minutes later, Porche follows.

He drives the car. Where Mr. Korn rides. Even Mr. Korn is knocked out before they leave the old mansion.

The mansion is blown to the ground while everyone leaves the place.

"Another fun I had a blast till next time P'Porche." His cousins said.

"Take care guys and Thank you" Porche said.

Porche ordered the cleaners to bring Mr. Kan Vegas and Pete in the old shadows lair.
Macau is also sleeping in the van with them.

On his way back to the shadows.
Porche watches Mr. Korn sleeping.
Lots of questions he wants to ask.

Something is not right.
He detatched his communication device
The only thing left is his connection with Kinn.

But Kinn is also sleeping.
Then he called the cleaners.
Separate the second family from each other.

He also asked one cleaner to check on the footage of the night the truth syrump was given to the guests at the pool party.

He waits patiently.
Before he reached the shadows currents lair. A message is sent to him

The drink to be given to Mr. Kan is thrown away.
He was not under the truth syrump that night

He drive fast and upon entering. He locked Jom and Tempt with Wayne in the monitoring room.
Then, he woke up Mr. Korn.

He checked on Kinn and his brothers they are all awake together. He let Mr. Korn in.
Big and Nont are also called inside.

The cleaners came and his cousins as well
All the shadows are shocked of what is Porche doing
But all shadows are pushed inside the monitoring room.
Cleaners guards the monitoring room.

"Cleaners no weapons allowed in here" Wayne said.

"Sorry Wayne at this point we only listen to Porche" the leader said.

Lazer guns are pointed at all of them.
Then a clip on the big monitor.
The footage of the night.
Actually Wayne knew about the truth syrump Tempt told him

And he ordered not to give one to Mr. Kan.

"What is your deal with him Wayne?" Porche asked. They can hear him.

The shadows looked at Wayne disgusted.

"Cleaners get Wayne out of there." Porche commanded.

Wayne was taken away. But to Porche office. He was tied up on a chair.

"You your body guards and your boyfriend are in the same state tied up on chair." Porche said.

"What the hell did you do little Cousin?" Porche asked

Wayne just looked at Porche.

"I saved your life" Wayne said

"Was it worth it?" Porche asked.

Wayne cried.
"Yes. Savings you brought the family together. Saving you brought back the lost treasures the family had. But now that we have it and equally given to the rightful owners. It is over" Wayne said.

"Does uncle knows about this" Porche asked.

Wayne shook his head.

"Now that you have what you want you will.kill the first family?" Wayne asked.

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