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And here i was.
Right on School Grounds.
It was my first day back after ditching School 2 months before summer, So technically, I had 4 Months of my life to myself.
Good grief.
I Sure don't miss this Place.
The only thing i miss about it is Being Reckless and stupid with everything.
Wether that meant Breaking into the Music room to jam, Or To climb on top of the school to see it from a higher view.
in which, Yea, The school did have a pretty view.....from the highest point..
down on the Ground?
Everything was Horrid.
Graffiti Everywhere, The bathrooms were Horrible, The Teachers treated all of us like Shit.
But i wasn't gonna Let that take my Reckless Side away.
Of course i'd yell in a teachers face if i really had to.

I Guess i'd better go find Andrew...He's still here after all.

i search around the Cafeteria Because knowing him, He's probably Chowing down on Some Graham Crackers, He loved to Eat whatever he could.

I look around for his Short Figure only to find a bunch of other scary kids.

And that Loser, Layne Staley from last year.
Of course he was with his Little Pack of friends..
That Concluded of Eddie Vedder, Chris Cornell and Stone Gossard And Even Andrew talked to them, Which was the Only side i hated about Andy, Was the fact that he Was on both sides.

i soon see Andy walk over to him as i Rush up to him trying to stop him before Talking to those Morons.

But unfortunately i was too late by just a Couple of seconds, Great.
Now i had to Approach these fucking losers.

"Look what the cat dragged in.."
I give Chris a Vile look As i Lean on Andy.
Soon Andy looks up at me as his eyes Shown a Thrilled Gape.

"Jerry oh my goodness i've missed you so much!! You have no idea!! Oh jerry...Have you been on lately? Why did you ditch us?"
He Held me tightly and Layed his head on my Chest.

"Wish we would have never came back."
Eddie gave me an evil stare as i grind my Teeth.
I was already angry that i was awake at 7AM.
I had absolutely no Patience.

"Yea, Would've been a lot better if they would have just expelled him...But then that would hold him back and he'd be dick Two Years in a Row-"
I Grabbed Layne and shoved him against the wall by his leather jacket.
Id had enough of this little shit running his mouth and is only heard one smart ass remark.
I was not Having any level of disrespect this early in the morning. 
This whole Group of fucking Losers.
This is why i didn't wanna come back, But just to make they're lives miserable i did...

"Listen here Cretin...I came back Because I actually Wanted to see the Friends i have and appreciate Unlike you, Who left Andrew to die when He got stabbed by the Jock who was bullying him last year. you ran away like a little bitch. Meanwhile i fought for Andy. I don't wanna hear it. I didn't come back for you, But i guess I might as well Say i did because I enjoy making your life a living hell. Now keep all your gossip to yourself, Before you end up just like Andrew but with no one to help you."
i threw Layne to the ground and Stormed out as Andy followed after me.
I hated even looking at Layne's Stupid fucking face.

"Jerry wait!"
I turn around and face Andrew trying not to Get angry at him but i just know that wasn't gonna happen.
I was angry at everything.

"Why do you always hang out with those fools? Your setting yourself up for failure. I don't wanna see you with them again Or i'm actually gonna lose my shit with you."
i walk off once again..as the look on Andrews face Deepens.
He seemed upset but i could care Less at the moment.

It was too late, I refused to talk to anyone at the Moment.
I was Simply angry at the fact that Andrew, My best friend was hanging out with those Losers.
But at least i had Mike...

so this is how my first day is going eh?

I was in my first period and Layne was there.
Of course he was.
Because these little shits just never go away.

We were all working on Our Essays.
And i had none of my friends in this class.
Just stupid Layne.

The reason i hate Layne so much is because of what he did to Andy.
I cared about Andy so much and seeing him so Lost when they left him fucking ATE ME.
They left him to die because they were scared.
Yet they claim to love him so much.
Pfft...I highly doubt that.

Just as i was getting up to hand my Essay to The teacher.
The lights Went off and sirens Wailed through the classroom.

"Everyone get down!! Under your desks Now!"
The teacher was frantic to Close the curtains.
Soon every kid was under the Desks.
I eyed Layne and he was Anxious.
Very anxious actually.
He was shaking and Covering his ears.

He was scared of the alarms going off.
He See's me looking at him as i soon look away.

he was so scared...
just like Andy that day..
He was curled up into a little Ball.

We sat....and sat....and sat...
an hour has passed by already.
we were still in lock down and no one knew wether this was a drill or not.
It very well could have been but..Usually drills don't last hours upon hours....
Layne was under his desk chewing on his nails.

He wanted out so bad..

I mean...yea..i hated Layne but, The way he Looked like how he looked that day Andy Was left to die.
They both had that same heart sinking look.
That when you looked at that face, you even got scared.

We all hear a loud noise causing us to jump.

Layne was the closest to the door.
I felt my Stomach Knot up, did i have a bad feeling?
I couldn't tell wether it was Anxiety Shits or An actual bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

The door had Flung open.
Two men in black.
taking a hold of Layne.


I was right.
The pit in my stomach.
Just seconds before They barged in.


he was desperate to find freedom.
he looked into my eyes as i tries not to show my weak and vulnerable side.
soon, They took him out and They closed the door.
Did i wanna save him?
The anger that pushed through my veins.

I Had go save him.

I was the last thing he looked at.

He screamed down the hall as i got up from under my desk and Rushed out.

"Jerry Don't do it!!"
I looked back at the teacher and Gave her an angry look.

"I'm not gonna let this happen again."
I Slam the door shut as  i begin Searching for Layne.

I shout his name As i hear him scream back.
I Rush down the stairs in Rage.
Why was i so angry?

And Protective over something i never thought i'd even look at again.
Something i hated so much.
Something I didn't Even Care about.

Yet I Wanted To Save Him..

Till' My Last Breath- Jerry Cantrell X Layne Staley Where stories live. Discover now