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"Jerry don't let them fucking kill me please..I'm just a kid..."

I walk towards Layne.
Who was now On the ground with a knife to his neck.

The guy holding his Hostage, Was ready to End his life.

"Your gonna get out of this Layne.."
I slowly walk up to them As I see the police Run up at the other end of the hall.


The Tall Black Shadowed man let Layne go as he sprinted to me.

He Flew into my arms as i Fell to the ground with him.
Against the lockers.

"Jerry....Jerry i'm sorry...."
i Grab his head and Hold him.
As he had no intentions to let go of me.

"I told you...I told you You'd get out of it"
He cried into my Arms as The guy Down the hall was now in custody.

"Thank You Jerry...If it wasn't for you...i..they would have killed me..."
He hung onto me, And i was ok with this.
I'm actually not sure.
Usually i'd Be Pushing him off of me but he seemed so safe with me...

"Layne! Layne? Why are you with Jerry?!"
Chris tried to rip Layne away from me but for some reason I Pulled him away from Chris.

"Don't touch him."
Layne sat up and wiped his tears.
Looking up at Chris.

"Don't...He's fine...He didn't hurt me i promise...Infact...he-he saved me.."
Chris had a Weird look on his face.

"No he didn't..,He probably set this whole thing up just to put you through-"

"Are you fucking KIDDING me Chris Cornell? I saved your best fucking friend and that's how you wanna Act when You see him crying on me BECAUSE HE IS DEVASTATED? He Screamed for ME not for you. I was the last thing he looked at before GETTING DRAGGED OUT OF THE CLASS ROOM BY THAT FUCKING PUNK. I don't care how much i hate ANY OF YOU i would NEVER set you up and put you through something so traumatizing.
you really are a fucking JERK for thinking that. what should i say? Sorry i saved your best friend? Well if that's how it is, Then fuck You Chris Cornell. Fuck You."
Layne Looked at me with A light smile.
But soon looked up at Chris with a Look that i never thought he'd Give Him.

"Jerry did save me. Yet where were you? Probably shitting your pants under your desk."
Woah...Layne was Snappy...

"I guess i would be leaving now wouldn't i? I Guess i'm sorry for saving you Layne."
I Got up as layne got off of me and I Stormed off...Once again.

Do you see what i mean by Calling them punks?

Layne -POV-

"Chris! Why would you say that!?"
I was Angry at Chris.
Jerry didn't mean no harm This time.

"Because you can't trust that Jerk. He Puts you through Hell."

"So fucking What Chris. He saved me this time and Then again WHERE WERE YOU? you were nowhere to be found. You Object Against Jerry so much Yet You have NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED. I know what Happened. But even if i told you the story, You would STILL object. I don't get why you Hate Jerry so much. Especially now, Since he saved my life. I mean are you even Wanting to hear what Happened? No, Because you Just wanna Print Jerry as the bad guy 24/7. Now enough of Your negative ass talk all the time. I'll be with the other boys."
I Walked off the same way as Jerry.

I had reached the end of the hall as i felt Arms Wrap around me.

"I'm sorry Layne....I'm So sorry for everything.."
It was....It was Jerry...

Till' My Last Breath- Jerry Cantrell X Layne Staley Where stories live. Discover now