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And Back...To school once again.
This time all of us were out on the field talking about Christopher.

"Yea he had some red marks on his arms...I don't know what it was though"

"It was totally Cuts Come on now Eddie"
Andrew Budded in.
And it caught me off guard.

"Cuts what do you mean cuts did he cut himself?"
Eddie then gives me a Confused look, Turning into a shocked one.
I was confused as to what he was trying to get out

"Jerry Cantrell what the hell is on your neck?!"
Me and Layne just Froze
Oh great....Here we go.
My hand flew up to my neck covering what it was

Andrew Grabbed my hand and fought me to see what was on my neck

Everyone was laughing As Andrew was on top of me Tickling me

"Andy stop!! Hahaha!!"
He got off of me As everyone Laughed and eyeballed me

"Did i ever tell you That you and Layne are amazing together?"
I smile at Eddie, i had finally Gained his trust.

"Oh stop, We're not even together..."


Did i mention Eddie was a Witch with great telepathic skills?
That's kinda all he knew, But he did a couple spells here and there too.

"Eddie, Go along tell them When they're gonna fuck."

Layne shouted all Huffy puffy, I laughed at him as he Leaned against me

Ed Mumbled under his breath

"Layne come on you know you'd love it..."
Andy Teases.
Layne rolls his eyes and smiles as everyone points at him and Laughs.
I Grab Layne and Put him in a Playful choke hold Laying down on the blanket with him.

"Look at these Two....Isn't it just so cute?"
I kiss Laynes Cheek as Everyone See's at us

I can tell it made Layne so happy.
i loved to see that smile on his face.

"Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss!!"
Everyone cheered on as i Kissed layne And Slowly got on top of him

"Ok we didn't say fuck..."

"Shows Over!!"
Eddie got up and grabbed his books as We all laughed

Maybe these kids weren't so bad after all.

Me and Layne were in the Bathrooms hanging out And skipping class of course
He was sitting on the ground Drawing as i was fixing my hair

"Layne, Get off of that Dirty ground."
I lean on the wall And Look at Layne.
He looks up at me with a straight faced look completely ignoring what i had to say, Shooting his eyes back to his Book.

"If i had to sit anywhere it would probably be on The toilets. No thank you"
I Chuckle as I Put my hands in my pockets, Layne very focused on his Sketch.

"You could sit on me."
He looks up at me and smirks.

"But then that would Have you Layed on the ground wouldnt it?"
He gives me a Look of passion, I try not to get lost in his eyes.
Although that was Nearly impossible, I still Managed to keep my composure.
I just wanted to stare at him forever.

"Not if we're at home. In bed."
He Gives me a wide eyed look as i laugh.

"Jerry your Dirty."

"And You Aren't?"
I tried to Assert my Dominance.
and i seemed it was working Because Layne got all red.

"You'd have to figure that out for yourself."
He Continues to sketch as I Begin to leave walking home.
I knew he'd Follow me.
He's like a Curious rabbit trying to figure out who the wolf was in the field.
And he trotted after me not foo far Away.

"Where are we going?"
I saw Eddie from the hallway Winking at me, As i winked back.

"To our own little world"
I knew exactly where this was gonna Lead.
And i was all for it.

"Beat his ass Jerry!"
Eddie Yelled off as he walked back to class with Andrew, They both laughed as Layne Looked rather angry at me.

"What's wrong Lover? Why do you look like you wanna Pounce on me?"
He Walks infront of me And stops me in my tracks.

"What are you gonna do to me Jerry Cantrell."
He crosses his arms as i look down at him and smirk, Walking around him.

"Hey No You Tell me right now"
He tried to stop me in my tracks again As my hand flies up to his Neck Putting him in a small choke hold.

"I don't wanna have the whole school know what i'm gonna do to you. Now, Walk Home"
He turned around as i Grabbed his Wrist and lead him home.
God, The Boys we're gonna shit themselves when he Figures out what i Did to Layne...

Till' My Last Breath- Jerry Cantrell X Layne Staley Where stories live. Discover now