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We were back at school, And Layne had spent the night last night..
God sleeping with him was everything i needed to conclude that i had Major feelings for him.

"Mike...Get your ass over here.."
I Pull mike aside speaking to him as layne goes into the Cafeteria, Me being Panicked thinking i'm insane about what he wrote on me last night, Of course i was gonna ask Mike.

"Dude..He did it again. We slept with each other last night but that's not the point, The point is, Is that he wrote on me again and i don't know what to do....He wrote like 'Kiss Me Jerry' or something...I mean good god as much as i wanted to I know it's too early for us isn't it? I mean what if im going crazy? I don't wanna Spook him if im wrong, I don't want him to leave me no absolutely not God mike i don't know-"

"Jerry....Kiss Him. Love Him. Make Love to him, Fuck Him, Bite him, Lick him, Suck Him, Squeeze him. Dawg it's so Obvious he has feelings for you. Now get out there and do something about him, Take him home again after school and Fucking KISS HIM. See where he leads it. The shyest People are always The Most Kinky People...i think You might have yourself a Slut here..."
I Smirk at the Thought of it..
Mike knows how much of a Slut i am Myself. It would be so easy with a Whore.

"Yea maybe your right....I guess i'll Pull the first move."
Mike Punches my shoulder playfully as We both walk back to the Cafeteria.

"You aren't gonna do shit to Layne.."
There it was again...Christopher fucking Cornell.

"When do you Quit? When? Buzz the fuck off Chris Boyle."
He HATED his real name..
Christopher Cornell Boyle...

"Oh your fucking dead.."
he tries to swing on me As i grab his arm and throw him down to the ground.
I sit on top of him Really pinning him to the ground.

"You leave me, Stone, Eddie, Layne, Mike And Andrew Alone. I don't wanna see your face here no more. if i do i might take it off of you. That way you'll Have Eyes with no face. Now get the fuck outta here, BOYLE"
I get off of him as he runs off Like such a little bitch.

"Dude i don't understand why he hates Jerry so much. He literally saved Layne."
Layne Soon held onto my arm again like a little Kid.
But i adored it.

"He hates Jer because he has a crush on Layne."
Eddie Announced loudly.

Layne was quite Shocked at this.
Considering He was possibly in love with me...

"He's had a crush on you since he's first seen you. YEARS AGO. He's in love with you Layne. But Now since you and Jerry are constantly Together He's gotten jealous. He hates you with Jerry. He also highly Believes Jerry initiated the lock down."

Layne was squeezing onto my Hand hard.
I noticed he does that when He's angry.

"That's too fucking bad isn't it. Maybe he
shouldnt have treated Jerry like shit."
He leans his head against my chest very obviously upset.
I Hold him in my arms as He Wraps his arms around my Waist.

"Should we go home?"

"Fuck it i've had enough of this place already."

Me and Layne had made it home, I was drawing as he was Laying right beside me.
he always was beside me.
He was Clingy, And i loved every second of it.

He looks over at me as my full attention was now on him.
he Laughs as I roll my eyes Smiling

"What's wrong?"
He continues to laugh as He Lays his head down and admires me.

Till' My Last Breath- Jerry Cantrell X Layne Staley Where stories live. Discover now