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Every single man in this house stayed up until the suns rising time.
Layne, The Gem Was Obviously Gonna be Kept low.
i don't know where we would put him If they came here which they probably will.

"Jer! Come down stairs It's the Jail!!"
Eddie Yelled from down stairs.
The Jail?
Oh yea right....Chris...
God..My mind has been so stuck on This Gang coming after Layne i completely forgot Chris Was Fucked In Jail.

I Rush downstairs and Grab the phone out of Ed's Hand.

"This Is Jerry Cantrell Who Needs me?"
I Take a Hit of my Cigarette

"Jerry?! Finally...Listen...Your not gonna trust me and you know what...That's fine. But i've only got 10 minutes to explain...I need Bailed out And NOW. You Guys won't survive without me. They're After Layne. they seriously ate after Layne and you know exactly who i'm talking about. Seattles Ghosts are the Heaviest Gang everyone in seattle knows. I need Bailed out and Quick...Please Jerry...I-I Know what i did in the past was stupid but i need you to Trust me.  I'm not worried about Layne anymore....I don't want Layne...I wanna Protect Layne, I wanna Protect all of you. If you bail me out i'll be able to explain more. This is Not another set up. You can trust me or not, But if not, Layne will die. They will Make him They're Own, And then Kill him...He'll be a Slave. I know you love Layne Jerry....Please. Come to the Jail and Bail me out..."
The Phone hung up as everything in my mind Completely changed.
Just Like with Layne...

I Quickly Throw on my leather Jacket sitting on the Kitchen Chair, Grab my Keys and My cigarettes and Go.

"Jerry where are you going?"
Laynes Tired voice Croaked.

"Honey....Go back to bed it's Early..."

"No Baby where are you going?"
He Rubbed his eyes and Looked at me with a very tired look.

"I'll Explain when i get home. Okay? Now be Good and Go Back to bed..."
I walk over to him and Give him a Kiss on the forehead As he Hugs me tightly.

"I love you.."
I Chuckle and Hug him back kissing the top of his Head.

"I Love You Too Handsome now go back to bed...You Need it.."

"Please be Careful Jer.."

"I will Sweetheart....Only for you..."
He smiles at me as i return the smile And Walk out, On my way to Bail this little shit out.

"Wait Jerry! I'll come with you."
Mikes Voice calling me back as I Look behind me seeing him frantically throw his Jacket on.

"Are you sure? You know what's going on right?"

"No...But we have Seattles Ghosts after us i really don't think It's safe going out there alone."
I Roll my eyes And Hop in my truck as Mike Tags along.
On our way to The Jail Not too far from here..


"They're after Layne because He's Got what they need. Apparently My Word Spread to them, And Now Layne is in danger. They found out about him and now they want him. They....Jeez how do i say this?"
Chris thought.
Hesitating to look up at me.
We were still in the prison waiting for him to be Free.
1200 Bucks Later....

"They want him as a Slave as i said over the phone but not just your...ordinary slave..."
I was confused.
Did they want him as a fucking House wife?

"They want him as a....Sex Slave...."
My eyes went Wide As mike stood Furiously.

"this is why i wanted you guys to Bail me out because I...You just Won't survive out there against them..If they want something they'll get it. and i know they're coming soon. VERY SOON."

Till' My Last Breath- Jerry Cantrell X Layne Staley Where stories live. Discover now