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Every kid that went to Breaker High was in the Cafeteria.
And we were given a Lecture about What happened With Chris.
Because apparently The Boys told somebody and it Spread Like WILD FIRE.

Layne was sitting next to me as everyone else was all sitting in a row together next to us.

"This Morning Principle Alter Got News that our Intruder incident Just a couple days ago was Planned out and Executed by one of our Well Known Seniors, Christopher Cornell. For this Behavior Shall Have a Consequence once Cornell Walks onto School Campus again. Layne Staley, A Victim of One of Cornell's Friends. Was Dragged down the hall, Waiting to be Brutally slaughtered By Cornell's Hired Killer. Wether it was a Scare to Layne Staley, Or wether it was something Cornell wanted for Layne. This is not right at all. And Thankfully, Another one of our Seniors, Jerry Cantrell, Helped Layne out of this situation, and the two have yet to be Separated since."
Everyone looked at us and Smiled.
While Layne was smiling Loud and Proud, The boys In the rest of the Row were Laughing at us.
What a Morning...

everyone was finally home, And of course Layne was with me but so were the rest of the boys.
We were all having a little get together i guess.

"so, What did you guys do with Chris last night?"
I was Smoking a Cig as Layne was sitting on my Lap.
Everyone else either smoking or drinking a beer.

"We dumped him off at the river. Fucked him up a little bit before that though."

"I knew it."
I Chuckle as I take a Hit of my cigarette, Layne drinking his 5th beer..
he still felt guilty about the whole thing so He decided tonight would be the night he blows it all off.

"Did you guys just hear that?"
we all go silent to see what Ed was talking about as Stone Gets up And grabs another beer

"I didn't hear nothing."
Andrew replies to Ed

"I thought i heard Jerry's name from outside."
Suddenly A loud Thud From Outside Alarms us all as we Jump up, I go to my room and Grab one of my Guns which...I probably Should Have used on chris..
Oh well...

Layne follows after me not too far Behind.
Holding onto my Arm As i Loaded my Shotgun.


"Ahh Honey it's gonna be okay Don't let this scare you just Let us all Take care of it."

"Chris Chris Stop!"
Andrew yelled from the living room as i bolt out.

"Where's Jerry?!"
Chris was FRANTIC.

"How the hell did you swim back..."
seemed to be Stones Only Question.

"I'm Right Here You Son Of A Bitch."
i point my shot gun to his head as He looks at me then the barrel of the gun.

"Please Jerry...The Cops are after me. I need you to forgive me...I Won't touch Layne again. or try to, Please Jerry."
I stare at him as i put my finger on the trigger.

"You tried to kill my Boyfriend. Therefor, I'll Try to kill you."

"Please Jerry."

"You tried to kill My Own."
The Hatred that Flooded my Blood.

"I'm sorry Jerry...Please.."

"YOU TRIED TO TAKE HIM FROM ME. FROM US. You tried to take my Layne and I will never Forgive you for that..."
Just as i'm about to put him to an End.
Sherif Busts through the door and Holds his gun out.

"Chris Cornell You are Under arrest, Anything you say will and can be held against you in the court of law."
Layne held onto me as chris looked up at us With Blood dripping down his face.

Tears Flew from Laynes face as Chris got dragged out.
I held Layne Ever so tightly, Knowing he was scared as hell.

"Get Layne Out of Here Jerry.."
Chris held onto the door frame attempting to tell us More As the police tried to drag him out.

"Sean, Jeff, Matt, And Kim...You all need to get the fuck out of Seattle. All 5 Of You need to run for your Lives or Layne will Never get out of this Alive..."
and with that, They Took Him away from us.
Layne Dropped onto the floor In Shock.

"W...What did he mean? Am i gonna die Jerry? What the fuck is gonna Happen to me"

"Layne Chill out my love nothings gonna Happen to you...he's trying to scare you..."

"Jer can i talk to you."

"Will you boys stay with Layne please?"

I Walk down the hall with mike as he pulls me into the closest room.
Pinning me to the wall, Holding my face looking rather startled.

"Jerry you know what He Was talking about right? Seattles Ghosts? Now we have them on our ass? Do you realize how Fucking HORRID this is all gonna be?"

"Yes Starr I do realize...we seriously have to get out of Seattle"

"Jerry we don't have the money to Just leave Seattle...We have to Battle these Motherfucker ourselves...We have to Protect Layne don't we? Or are we all just gonna fucking die?"

"Are you joking? I'll do anything for Layne and you know that."

"And so will i jerry but I...I don't know what to do..."

Seattles Ghosts In One of the Most Deadly gangs made in 1945 .
thousands of people around the world were in this Gang.
And however, On top of Monty Corso, The Leader of this whole gang, Stood Sean, Jeff, Matt and Kim. These Men, Ruled Seattle.
No one ever got out alive.
wether it was by Bombs, Guns, A slow a painful death.
You Never chose your own death, They did.
And you had to suffer.
And now they're after Layne. Which means they're after us.
They're After All of Us.

Till' My Last Breath- Jerry Cantrell X Layne Staley Where stories live. Discover now