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Merlin gave me a spell and a ritual to follow to invoke Hades so that I could travel to his kingdom. That night I followed the ritual and after I fell asleep I was pulled down through the earth into a dark dirt tunnel and soon I started to speed through the dirt tunnels straight to Hades place as an unseen tether pulled me along at an incredible speed. Along the way I noticed I was nude and had ice starting to form on my body from how cold it had been on the way there. Upon arrival I stood at the doorway shivering with my teeth chattering from the cold. The door in front of me was huge and black with a dark silvery foggy waterfall with a glossy shimmer cascading down the front of the door. Anubis stood guard at the door. He was huge and stood at least four times taller then I was. Soon the doors open and once inside my Phoenix fires blazed up and melted off the ice as a golden shimmering dress formed over my flesh. Upon crossing the threshold I saw a familiar face. Dark curly hair on top of a thin golden skinned yet muscular frame. Through chattering teeth I spoke to him. "Hello brother" it was Aries. The next thing I knew I was on a robins egg blue couch with a dog in front of me that kept morphing his appearance. He was chatting non stop at first and I would speak to him now and then. I would look up at the others often and notice how familiar everyone was as well as how comfortable I was around them. It felt like I had come home after a long time away, it felt right. I woke up a little while later and instantly wrote a message to Merlin about it all and as I wrote I started to remember so many little things about Hades and Seph, how often I went there in this lifetime but never made it past the door or past Anubis. I was always put to sleep at the front door step and would wake up back in bed only to forget that I had been there but not this time. Now I remembered it all and I remembered that Hades was part of my family and that's how I discovered that I had finally found who my family was but at that time I still didn't know who I was. However, that was soon about to change.

That blue couch was soon to be a symbol of comfort for me as I was sent to recover on it after various attacks and abductions. I was taken several times after the initial awakening and now that I knew what was going on I started to fight against those that were taking me nightly. It wasn't long before Merlin and I had figured out what was going on inside of those bases and how our governments had sold us as cattle to the grays and reptilians for the advancement in the technology that we so greatly cherish. I saw the breeding programs, the body shops (where they actually sold humans as whole slaves or as "parts"). I fought them and refused to let them impregnate me. I turned away every mate they tried to breed me with and would force out their "seed" when it was pumped into me by other means. Yes people, now you see the truth. I was raped countless times and when I fought back I was tortured for it. They have brutal means of torture from skinning you alive to drilling through your skin to your bones. One time I was tortured so badly that after I was let go to return home I went straight to Hades and sat trembling on his blue couch afraid to let anyone near me and when Aries tried to touch me I pulled away from his hand. I could hear Seph speaking behind him saying "what did they do to her".

One of the times I was taken by the grays they pulled my soul through a tunnel somewhere far away. I struggled hard against them sensing the danger that lay ahead. I called out to Hades to help me knowing that he was a force to be reckoned with and knowing that he would know what to do. Harder the abductors pulled the invisible tether that I couldn't seem to break free from. Soon I saw where I was being pulled towards and the body that they were trying to shove my soul into. She had no arms or legs, just nubs cut off at the elbows and knees. The mouth was sewn shut and the male they were going to force me to breed with was standing by ready to do the deed. I fought hard to not be forced into the body and was only in the body for a minute while trying to use the nubby arms to fight off my captors before I saw an invisible cloaked figure angrily pushing past everything that stood in his way. Moments later I felt strong hands pull me from the dismembered body and away from that horrible place. I remember waking up soaked in sweat and gratefully praising Hades for rescuing me.

Hades took Shen and me in as refugees while Merlin, Shen and I were trying to piece together who I really was and soon I was introduced to a potential mate as a true mate and partner, Skippy. Skippy was a Phoenix like I was but a male which is incredibly rare as phoenixes tend to be females more often than not.

A Phoenix is amongst one of the earliest creatures in existence aside from dragons. They were light and energy beings in the beginning before God gave physical bodies to beings. They were the first existence of what you might consider angels because they existed outside of time and space as beings of thought and self awareness. Physical bodies and incarnations into various life forms came later but as always the spirit of what was originally created by God would live on inside of whatever form that they took at the time.

After a couple months of working with Merlin, Hades and Shen he started to introduce me to the Viking gods. Odin was first, then Thor then Freyja, Frigga and Sif. We had formed an alliance with them and started to work with them in my training. Still night after night I fought the grays and reptilians but by now I was studying them as well. It wasn't long before a plan was hatched and we knew how to get me both off of their bases and how to free as many of their captives as possible. The next time I was taken the gods hitched a ride into the base by hiding out as invisible beings inside their ships. With a well coordinated attack Tyr, Odin's brother was to wake me from whatever trance or whatever drug induced state I was in. I'm told that just before I woke up I fire blasted his shield melting it into what I thought was an interesting art piece. (Now it's held in the grand Viking hall as a trophy of how I humbled him next to a bust of my head like Medusa's head except with flames instead of snakes for hair). After Tyr woke me from the trance that the reptilians had me under we broke out of there and took as many of their captives as possible back to Hades to be returned to wherever the grays had taken them from.

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