Leena, Neera and Abigail.
After months of working with Merlin and still fighting the grays and reptilians on most nights I had started to talk to other psychic groups and continued my search for answers. I stumbled across a psychic who did tarot card readings for free on Facebook. He believed himself to be the reincarnation of king tut and that he had lifetimes on Mars as well as his species as being that of the alligators. (There are an unknown amount of aliens living amongst us, you won't know who's what until they are astrally traveling and even then you won't really know until you see what they do with you) anyways it was after talking to him for a while that he wanted me to talk to someone who had strong empathy abilities. Her name was Leena (the real name has been altered as have most names in this story) I started to talk to her and found that she was very intuitive. She introduced me to her sister Neera who also was pretty strong in her abilities as well. I introduced Leena to Merlin and started to form a friendship with her, more so with her then her sister actually. Abigail was their mother (she will come up more later on). Leena was sweet and energetic but always wanted to be the subject of conversation. (However she didn't like taking instruction much) By now I was advancing in my training quickly while making great strides with my abilities as well as improving in my work against my shadow and the grays.The shadow and your higher self
We all have a shadow self. It is your enemy from the start. It's comprised of every secret desire you ever had as well as all your anger, pain, hatred, everything negative in your life that becomes your worst version of yourself. On the opposite end is your higher self. This is the holy self. The emotionless self that is perfect and has all the memories of all your past lives as well as is directed by heaven to instruct you in your life. However, few people ever listen to their higher selves because their shadows are too strong and like to impersonate others to gain your trust. Yes the shadow will impersonate anyone that can make it so you listen to your shadow above all others including God. The shadow works for Satan and it's the shadows job to keep you happy and under its control all while making you suffer miserably in life. There are many out there that are called light workers and they teach you to love your shadows because of how they are the negative parts of you that they say need your love and healing however this is wrong. It's basically saying to love the devil because he got a bad break after trying to destroy heaven. Doesn't sound right does it? Your shadow is your enemy and will stop at nothing to prevent you from climbing up the ladder to heaven. The ladder starts in hell and reaches to heaven and each rung of the ladder is a level of testing that you must get through in order to reach the next level and advance through the accords. (The trials of heaven).Testing and hell
Dreams are real as I said before. More real then your waking life. What happens there can effect what happens here. As above so below in other words. The first real test begins with getting your power back from your shadow self and that is far harder then it sounds.Most of my tests were complete torture. Every time I fell asleep I was in hell and being tormented by demons, aliens (yeah they were still after me) and being raped by various guys or demons. During this time I was skinned alive, dismembered, chased down, electrocuted, had needles through my flesh, dragged through hell, injected with acid or had acid poured onto my body etc. and it never seemed to stop. After every test, when I woke up, I told Merlin every detail I could remember and he would instruct me on what to try next. The key is not to show fear no matter what they do to you. Be completely emotionless and to never make any deals with them or sign anything especially in blood. Loki, Satan, the devil etc. they will all make you offers but they will make you pay up front and in ways you don't want to pay in order to get what you want from them. Loki and the devil are very smart and know how to get you what you want in ways that if things go bad they aren't able to be blamed or punished but instead you will take the blame and punishment for them and yes your shadow will do this to you too.

The Unseen World
FantasyThe things that lie beyond what the waking world sees. This is the original timeline for Eve and the lessons she learned that allowed her to master this timeline. This is written as Eve telling the reader her story and as a guide book to the spirit...