Zeus, Euronome, Shen and Skippy

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The first night I really dreamt of Zeus was after talking to Merlin and comparing timelines with his only to find out how much of my timeline matched up with his up until the very beginning of my lives where it was parallel to his timeline. That led Merlin to the answer of who's daughter I really was. He asked me if I felt closer to Hades or Zeus. I told him I felt closer to Zeus but very close to Hades as well. That night I dreamt of Greece, I was in a town by the sea. I walked the streets like I had been there a million times before. I knew every twist and turn and where they led to, what I would find there and knew that when I got to the end of that street I would be at the docks by the sea. I called to my father and I suddenly felt him standing there behind me. I turned around and saw Zeus and Hera standing there and instantly walked over to them. They had their shielding up so that only a true member of their family could walk through to greet them. Once I made it through their shields I hugged him and greeted him calling him father then turned and hugged Hera calling her mother. I didn't know at the time if she was my birth mother or not but something told me that she wasn't. I didn't find out who it was for a little while longer though.

The next time I got to see Zeus was after a fun but difficult combat test. For the combat test I was in mid air and using the elements to fight those on the ground as well as in the air with me. After I had beat everyone and was the victor I was grabbed from behind by strong arms within a swirling gray cloud and I could hear a voice in my mind telling me not to struggle. I relaxed as I was pulled down through the floor of the testing arena and into a pit inside a cavern where everyone was in blood red armor and cheering as I was pulled through the crowd to a circular seating area that was above the pit with seats encircling the whole cavern. A glass screen surrounded the area in front of the chairs allowing us to see into the pit but had a visual display as well. I saw Zeus first with an empty seat to his right and on the right of that sat Athena with her famous stern look and striking beauty all framed with her golden blonde hair. Aries sat on the right of her and I was then sat on the right of Zeus in the empty chair. I leaned forward looking to the left and asked Zeus where mom was. Hera leaned forward and I smiled warmly at her. She looked stunning in a rose gold dress that complimented her strawberry blonde hair and gentle features. Then I sat back in my seat and watched the event in front of us. There upon the glass viewer in front of us showed images of our shadow brats. (Shadows are our own personal demons that reflect our negative traits as well as our fears, desires and sins) I watched the images play knowing that mine wasn't as bad as others around me by seeing how they terrified their victims of whom now sat with their families.

The next part was up to me to research every wife Zeus has had before but the fact that I could read timelines was a great start as to who my mother was and who I really was. My memories were vague but I could remember what she looked like because I often saw her in my dreams. She was stunning with black wavy hair that cascaded down her shoulders and back but her appearance differed often and mostly it was based on her mood. Many times I saw her with red hair as well. Most of the time we were in various gardens or I was jumping into the ocean to swim to see her in a kingdom deep under water. After telling this all to Merlin it wasn't long before we discovered who she really was. Euronome (sometimes spelled Eurynome) from there it was easy. We just had to see what traits I had that matched her daughters and what I could remember. Soon after reading everything I could find on them I was drawn to Thalia. And it wasn't long before the memories started to flood back at me. Pranks were the first things that I remembered. (For those that don't know, Thalia was the charity/grace of festivities and later the muse of comedy so you can expect some humor in here)

Later I started to remember different details like how often I visited her in the under water city and what title she had. She was the queen of the people and an incredible ruler. I was her heir and next in line for the throne. (Explains why I ran away to join Merlin now doesn't it, however I later discovered that Merlin was actually helping her train me for my future job. Clever planning on my mom's part).
Poseidon once ruled the oceans but after the Trojan wars it was decided by heaven that the gods be disbanded for their parts in the wars however Zeus and Hades were to keep their kingdoms because they had vital roles to play. There is a hierarchy in heaven and the gods do fit into that but they are governed by a council and that is overseen by the archangels who also oversee all the kingdoms as well. When Poseidon stepped down he had to choose a successor to take his place in ruling the Atlantic Ocean and he had chosen Euronome. She is the daughter of Oceanus and Thetis. Oceanus is the titan of the ocean and Thetis was his sister a daughter of Uranus and Gaia.

Shen and Skippy
After the fall of Troy I went off with Poseidon and travelled with him to various kingdoms throughout many lifetimes. It was now that I started to really remember details about my many lifetimes and who had been with me in them. Slowly things started to click in my mind and I remembered that Shen was not just my brother but my souls twin as well. His name isn't really mentioned because few even knew that my mother had a son. He was born just minutes after me (but you honestly would think he was the older one now that he is a monk and behaves perfectly). Then I started to see that Skippy was there too. By now Skippy had been visiting me in my dreams often and we had started to get to know each other again.

It wasn't long before Merlin and I had traced most of our lifetimes and where we were at each time since our timelines were nearly parallel to each other's. We had lives in China, in Egypt, Rome, etc. constantly traveling throughout the world like gypsies but it wasn't until the time of King Arthur that we both made quite a splash in history. Merlin's memories of being Merlin matched my memories of that time period and soon he told me who I was in that time and I had the birthmark to prove it. Right on my right thigh was a round birth mark where I was shot with a poisoned bolt from a crossbow. I was a smuggler and Skippy (as I call him now) was my partner and lover back then as well. (We have a thing where we are eternal mates and seem to find each other in every lifetime, but this one. He is stuck in the spirit world this time around). My name was Isolde and he was Tristan. (Yes, that Tristan and Isolde) and yes I remember the details of that life. It's hard to forget becoming Merlin's apprentice after nearly dying then being rescued by the world's most arrogant prince and the smartest wizard you'll ever meet. (Just a hint to the wise, don't be the first to try his potions, if you do though plug your nose and drink them fast).
Where was Shen in this lifetime? He was still in China learning to master his craft to perfection. (Trust me I'm paying for it now as he is my primary guide in the spirit world).
The one downside to remembering every lifetime is that you also remember every death you've ever had as well. That lifetime didn't end so great I died after being run through with a sword while protecting Arthur however it did save Arthur's life... for a short time

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