Chapter 18: Disagreements with a certain grey-eyed boy.

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-WRITTEN-: 9th May, 2022.

-PUBLISHED-: 15th May, 2022.

I sighed as the tune of the guitar sounded wrong, I watched as Kaleb strolled in late to class and talked to the teacher. My eyes moved towards the group of girls watching him and then back at my guitar as I focused back on the task.

My phone was next to me as I watched the recording of Diego's dance. We had the choice of either creating a musical piece or a song. Kaleb and I had decided on a musical piece and so far it was coming together piece-by-piece.

Although we had a few disagreements, it seemed that nothing had fit Diego's piece that well. The guitar and drums had been our chosen instruments and it seemed to be doing an okay job coming together.

"Hey," Kaleb said as he sat down next to me. "We hadn't gotten the room with the drums seeing as your other friends had taken the room," I told him as he scrolled through his phone. "Hmm-hmm, so the piece coming together okay??" He asked as I nodded and then realized he couldn't see me.

"Um, somewhat I just feel as if everything is kinda rushed like we don't have enough time together— to spend on the music piece and Diego is not rushing us so I guess it's just the speed we work on together." I told him as he nodded along with my words.

"I can't practice today, I have basketball practice but maybe tomorrow afternoon," He paused. "Wait actually, maybe Thursday afternoon," This time I was the one unavailable.

"I can't, after school kempo classes." I told him as he nodded in understanding. "Hey Kaleb my man," A group of boys walked up to the two of us. The main boy in front seemed to be Tanner Hudson. Kaleb ignored them and threw occasional glances at me and then looked back to his phone.

Tanner Hudson had a gift of getting into trouble; he was trouble himself. He was also the guy that Jacob and Kaleb got into a fight with. I watched as he glanced my way and then quickly looked back. "So, uh how's it going?" Another boy asked as they didn't look my way. 'It's better this way, boys this age suck.' I thought to myself as Kaleb was talking.

"It's going well, my partner and I are definitely trying to be productive with the time frame we have." The boys looked at each other with a smirk then at me, one of them sat down opposite me and looked between Kaleb and I.

"Trying to be productive huh?" He said with a smirk as I tried not to be annoyed with the fact that these guys' heads were in the gutter. "I'll be in the drums room, see ya," I told Kaleb and got up, making a bee-line towards the drums room.


"If you're here to apologize then this ain't the time nor the place." Jacob said as Tanner approached us. He pushed past Jacob and stood in front of me. I clenched and opened my fist as he watched me.

"I wanted to inform you that I'm sorry about Aunt Rue, I— she had mentioned your name the times I dropped my girlfriend home." He said as he looked at his shoes. "I just didn't know wha—" He stopped speaking as the Rodriguez brothers and my siblings walked towards us.

'Damn, that jawline like what the hell. . . Why can't I be blessed like that?' I thought to myself as my eyes shifted from Kaleb to Jace and then to my siblings followed by an eating Nevaeh. 'Damn, I want food.' Tanner nodded at me and walked away before my friends could threaten him.

'Noodles' My stomach said.

'Shut up.' I replied back as Jacob causally threw an arm around my shoulder. I moved it away as Diego glanced between the two of us. I leaned my head against my locker as Kaleb looked between Jacob and I; the first who was now staring down Nevaeh's bowl of hot butter chicken.

"What did Tanner want?" I could hear the anger in Diego's voice as Jacob spoke. "He wanted to say his condolences to Iceberg over here about Mrs. Chance." Diego looked confused at the name Mrs. Chance. "Aunt Rue," I said as he nodded.

"He didn't try or do anything right?" Diego asked as Jacob scoffed. "As if I'd let anything happen," He muttered as Diego rolled his eyes at Jacob's words. "Besides you and I have other things to worry about," I told him as he nodded.

"Yes, have you gotten everything?" he asked me as the others shared a look. "Another prank?" They asked together as Kaleb looked at me again.

"Something like that," I told them as Diego grinned happily.


"I'm sorry for what the guys said," Kaleb said as I nodded, focusing on the math work on hand. "Evelyn- lis— I get it that you're mad at me but" I interrupted his rambling. "I'm not mad at you, I just —- people like you and people like me want different things." He raised his nice arched eyebrows at my response. "I mean, some people want to be pretty popular and wants to be the person everyone wants. . . I want something else and I know what I want, I'm not saying you don't" I sighed as he smiled softly towards me. 'Damn, that smile.'

"I just want you to be yourself and no one else when you are with me; with whoever you're with. . . I don't want you nor anyone else to have to pretend to be someone who they aren't" I told him as he nodded.

The bell rang indicating the end of math class, I started packing my things as a girl came up to us. "Hey, you're Evelyn right?" I nodded as she threw Kaleb a smile. "Um, so I know that this is super weird and all but a guy named Rohan wanted me to give you this." She said and handed me a note.

"Thanks," I grabbed the note as she nodded and walked away. I read the note and couldn't help but laugh at my cousin's antics.

'So I may or may not have brought you some gifts while managing to blow my budget, so I'm now deciding between what to give you and what to return to the store all while wondering how you will pay me back'

P.S = I've gotten the job of picking you up today so don't be late or I'm going to leave you there.

I shook my head at Rohan's humor as an announcement started. "All baseball players, I repeat all baseball players please attend the practice at lunch time on the baseball field." I sighed realizing that Diego and Charlie wanted me to be there.

I turned around and locked eyes with Kaleb as he didn't say a word and walked away.

'What's up with that guy?' I thought to myself realizing that Kaleb had been acting weird ever since the fight with Tanner. He was more concerned about me and seemed to talk less, almost as if he were afraid about what would come out of his mouth.

'Let's go eat' I told myself.

'Finally idiot,' My stomach replied.

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