Chapter 26: The case of Darcy March and his fangirls

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-WRITTEN-: 4th August, 2022.

-PUBLISHED-: 24th September, 2022.

"Today's the day!" I heard Kenzie whisper to Nevaeh as I rolled my eyes hearing the hall whisper about Darcy March. "I thought he was meant to come the other day," I said as Nevaeh gave me a sheepish smile. "He was and that's why I SOS'ed you yesterday" She admitted as I remembered her apologizing for her annoying cousin Jacob. 'I'll never get used to the fact that Jacob Whitewood and Nevaeh Cassidy are cousins. . . I mean I can see it with Le but Titanic and Nevaeh' I think to myself as the school doors open and in walks a tall figure that was at least older than 17-years-old.

Messy black hair and green eyes that belonged to the singer that Kenzie and Nevaeh were going on about. "Darcy March," The hall filled with whispers as he stood confidently. I rolled my eyes at the crowd and slammed my locker shut. "See you guys in class." I told the two as they nodded at my words with their eyes still glued onto the figure of Darcy March.

I tightened my grip on my bag as I walked through the crowd looking for a familiar black- haired boy that I shared music class with. I jumped out of my skin as a tap was felt on my shoulder. "Holy shit, seriously Diego." I greeted my best friend and brother from another mother as he gave me a small smile. "What a crowd huh?" He asked as I let out a chuckle at his words.

"Yeah, all for Darcy March," I replied as he playfully rolled his eyes. "You have dance class right?" I asked him as we began to make our way through the crowd towards class. He nodded as I heard the familiar voice of Kaleb Rodriguez. "Flores," I smiled at the nickname as he pulled me into a hug.

I inhaled his scent. 'Macadamia soap with a hint of a strong men's cologne' and wrapped my arms around him. "I missed you," He mumbled into my hair as the action tickled against my neck.

"We haven't seen each other since the dinner at your house," I said as we pulled apart from the hug but held hands. I swung our hands in a forward and back motion as Diego cleared his throat looking at us cluelessly.

The two boys nodded their heads in each other's direction as we made our way to our classes. "Does he know?" Kaleb asked me distractedly while rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb.

"About the dinner and everything, no. . . I mean we weren't really on speaking terms until the weekend when he came to pick me up and asked me about Vikrant." At the new unfamiliar name Kaleb raised his eyebrows. "My new coworker."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me Flo, I trust you I'm just wondering how exactly that played out.... Did it result in Diego playing over-protective brother or not?" He asked as I answered with a snort.

'Why'd you snort? He's gonna think you're weird' I thought to myself as I fiddled with the hem of my sweatshirt. "Cute," I heard him mumble as my face grew hot. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as we walked into class, many conversations were cut short as heads turned our way and eyes followed the two of us, more specifically our intertwined hands.

I pulled him in the direction of Jacob and Dawn who were waiting for the teacher for their geography class assignment which I knew because of Dawn's SOS yesterday and intense fangirling over Darcy March.

"We have to start going out for surveys," Titanic said as we sat down. "Ugh, public speaking," I groaned as the teacher marked the attendance. "And interviewing," Jacob joined in as I glared at him. "You're supposed to be helping me Titanic," I said as he raised his eyebrows trying to look smart. "Well Iceberg, why would I? After all the Titanic sank because of you," He said as I rolled my eyes mentally cursing myself for giving him the nickname.

The teacher started going over the lessons instructions before telling us all to behave as we were going to be doing the task without teacher supervision which caused a chain of excited mumbles to start. "I hope you all are aware that you will also be representing our school in front of Darcy's manager,"

The teacher then went on to explain how there could be a possible opportunity for students interested in music to get to be involved in understanding the creation of music and the music industry through spending a week at the music campus along with Darcy and another famous band.

We decided to get to work as we headed to the dance studio first to try and survey Diego and his class.

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