Chapter 52 - Old Champion

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   We took our seats at the table, the sound of scraping chairs against the polished floor was met with the sound of the wooden door we walked in from, close. I looked around the table to see who else was here and then back to the elders in purple robes. The people in front of us in power armor with blue accents were unknown to me. I didn't say a word as no 1 else was talking.

To our right were most likely the Enclave as Claire was over there leaning back in the chair. The man in power armor was wearing a suit of T-51B with yellow paint on it, he had his helmet on so I didn't know who he was exactly, but I'm sure by the markings that it was my old commander.

The Arroyo Elders on the other end were wearing very comfortable looking purple robes with gold trimming on every edge. The one in the middle was very old, an elderly man, wearing aviator sunglasses of all things, and his hand on his Gauss Pistol laying on the table. The 2 others were women, also old but not as creepy looking.

  "Alright, so this must be the US?" One of the female elders stated in a rickety voice.

"So that makes all 3 of the sides in this war present." The other female elder says with pep in her deep voice.

I hear the chair to my right that Claire was sitting in hit the floor. Claire looked at the elders and stood up, to then stutter to get a word out, followed by looking over at me.

"Lynn!?" Claire blurts out loud without warning, startling some of us, including myself even though I was looking directly at her. Her tail shot up and floofed out in surprise even though she was the 1 saying it.

The guy I suspect as my old commander stood up in surprise. Our T-51 guard then stood up to meet him at a read-stance.

I hear to my left in a withered but still very potent voice. "Calm down or get shot!"

I look to my left at the middle elder aiming his PPK12 at Claire. Claire looking back at the elder and looking submissive with her ears laid flat, biting her lower lip in a pissed look to then sit down. Our T-51 guard sits down next, then theirs.

Claire then spoke out, "What ever, our offer has been placed on the table. We're done here. Can we leave?"

The Elder in the middle simply nodes, then for Claire to stand up and her escort follows.

As she walks to the door, I say, "See ya later, and don't be such a grumpy kitty, remember its bad to be stressed~" I say in a teasing tone. Claire turned to me and hissed to then power walk out the door. I couldn't help but giggle when she hissed at me. I missed it.

The 2 others in weird power armor stood up and also walked out shortly after. Leaving only my party and the elders.

"Alright, USA, why are you here?" The lead elder with the dying voice says.

Hanna responds in turn, "We are looking to talk to the person known as the 'Chosen One', we wish to—" Hanna was interrupted.

"I am THE Chosen One. What is it you REALLY want from me, and not from Arroyo." The elder in the middle says with reverb.

Hanna smiles and continues. "Well! We arh lookin' tah try an defea' the Enclave. And findin' out howya did it will be great!" She says in glee, her accent breaking through.

"I simply had the Charisma, the Luck, and the ability to go undercover. This lead to access to the finest power armor and Gauss weaponry. But, I have a question too. What is your reason to coming here now?" The Chosen One states with bumps and grumbles mixed into his voice.

Hanna responding after looking at me. I looked back at her knowing she was scheming when she gave me a grin. "This here, is a vault dweller. She was cast from her vault but wishes to keep it neutral and save it from threats still. She was all but forgotten and thrown away, but still wishes to protect her family!" Hanna concludes in her lie.

The Chosen One looks over at me then speaks towards me, "Interesting. The tails of the original Vault Dweller, my ancestor, passed from my grandparents and from what I found in the Vault Dweller's vault; he did everything he could for his bund as well. For them to cast him out in exile, but he accepted it." The old man then let go of his gun and sat back in his chair, to then take a breath of air. Making me understand now why the air in this facility was so pure. It was healthier than outside air.

The Chosen One then leans back to look at Hanna. "I have received other requests from other powers. The Immortals demanded our direct assimilation with no repercussions and a promise to stay our own way. The Enclave wished to build a base in our territory in exchange for monetary bounty."

The clearly strained elderly Chosen One then pauses briefly, but starts back up 5 seconds later. "I too did everything I could for my home. Even after it was destroyed and thought it was hopeless." He looked at me directly. "Forsaken, you want to do everything in your power to keep those you still love safe no matter what?"

I quickly nodded and said "Yes! I do! Anything to push them away or keep them away from my vault. Peace for the innocent is all that's needed."

The Chosen One looked at me with a serious face. "Then I accept. I was planning to keep Arroyo out of this completely. Those Brotherhood bastards aren't getting my people and those new Enclave, even though they are very attractive, don't do anything for us. We don't even need money here, it's a workers society. And, if we don't take 1 of you, we'll get trampled on anyway, so its best to take a side."

Hanna smiles and nods and says "Thank you, we will open direct long range radio first, than from there we should be able tah get envoys going back en forth!"

"Ah. Well, it wont be much need other than the alliance, but, we have a 10Megaton nuclear device under the city that can easily be sent your way through vertibirds." The Chosen One said without hesitation.

Hanna then looks a bit dumb founded. "Yor gonna give us. Ah 10 MEGA TON nuclear device!?" As Hanna says this, the 2 other elders sitting next to the Chosen One turn to look at him in awe as well.

"We have another that will be done in a few weeks. I dubbed it project Atlantis myself; it will be for making this city and all its riches and history, disappear; but only if it falls. We built the second one for convenience. One side of the city will have a device, the other will have the other. But one will do just fine." The old man grins then adjusting his polarized sunglasses. "I got the idea from the Enclave Oilrig when they self-destructed, due to that monstrosity known as Frank Horrigan pressing the switch."

Hanna then gently smiles, "Oh alright, ill take that as well then, but we cant carry it out today. So... lets open communications." Hanna says softly.

The Chosen One looks at me and smiles. "You all can leave then if there is nothing else, don't try to become a monster on your journey, Forsaken one. The Great Vault Dweller knows what iv done in my adventure."

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