Chapter 54 - Perfidy

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   I roll off and onto my back, still panting as the voice had just then become recognizable now that my brain was catching up.

  "Lyn!? What are you doing here!?" I hear Claire say, surprising me.

I responded in a lack of breath, "Monst-, ever-on' dead, help run!"

I hear Claire yell out, "Guard the path she came from!" As she started to peal off my armor, my sweat hit by the chill of the wind, freezing me to the bone.

  "Claire, we mus' run! It killed my unit." I say wile still trying to catch my breath and trying to stand up.

  "Screw that, I have you now! You're my prisoner!" Claire says with a gleeful smile, making me understand why my armor was being removed, and now realizing my gun was gone. Before I could try to resist, the sound of the wind was broken to the sound of thumping getting closer again. Followed by a short roar.

"Its a monster! It single-highhandedly killed everyone in my escort!" Claire looked confused as we look at each other. I continued, "Fine, I'll submit as your prisoner if we just get away from here!" I try to pull her hand.

"I'm holding you tight to that, Lyn!" Claire pulls me instead, out of the snow.

I look back at the tent, it was a camp of 3 tents, covered in snow. We were walking away from the 2 Enclave soldiers in power armor that Claire told to guard the path. I had to speak up, "What about the others?"

"They'll take care of your lil monstor~" Claire says teasingly in a babying voice. We walked away till I couldn't see them anymore. Claire then pulled my arm over her shoulder, and started carrying me a bit faster through the now 10 inch deep snow.

We had been walking for only a minute before hearing screaming and gunfire from the direction of the camp. After another minute, Claire's usual smirk when she was winning a game, disappeared when the gunfire stopped and a roar was heard through the falling silver.

We started moving fast as we could together, Claire had better physical strength so she pulled me along without issue. We stumbled across an old temple with a human head statue above the entrance, made of all old looking blocks, and a gentle glow coming from the entrance. We quickly push inside, past the doorway and then past a second door system; closing it from a nearby leaver on the wall next to it. From there, Claire dropped me.

I lay on the ground panting, trying to catch my breath. I start to curl up as the chill in the temple is still nipping through my jumpsuit. My hard hyper ventilating turned into a gentle pant as I met Claire's gentle panting.

I sit up a bit and look at Claire and her one piece looking padded skin suit and its small hexagon pattern on the non-padded areas. I wondered why Claire wasn't as cold as me, why wasn't she as scared... I opened my mouth to speak up but Claire catches the first word.

"Come on, we need to move deeper into the temple. We cant go out this way anymore." Claire said in an ordering fashion.

I tried to get up, but my legs were throbbing and swore. I couldn't push myself up, so I rolled onto my knees and put 1 leg up and tried to push myself to a stand. My hips gave out as a loud bang from something slamming against the door, making me crash to the ground rolling to my back from such a startle.

"Lyn! Get up! We gotta go!" Claire says with worry in her voice.

"I'm trying but my legs wont work!" I say back in content.

I look over at Claire as I hear her walk over to me. I sit up and try to push off my knees again. Claire huffs as she puts an arm around my back and slips the other under my legs, lifting me up off the cold stone floor.

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