Chapter 60 - The Storm

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   I stutter a bit giving off a jumble of mutters and alphabet soup before I simply stop, take a breath in and try to reset myself.

  "Hello, I am Warrant Officer Weskier from the USA, I'v come to open negotiations, get you guys set up and happy, and possibly talk about integration in SOME way with us." I say with a confident and mono-tone.

The man looks at me for a moment before taking off his helmet, "A child was sent to negotiate? Do they think were that easy? Is this to be an insult?" He says in a sturdy voice.

I quickly speak up the second I could, "N.NO! No, I'm just really small. I'm over 18 years old."

The sound of helicopters are heard in the distance as the high ranking Paladin continues, "Alright, in my years, I'v learned to never judge a book by its cover. Excuse the misunderstanding, but you are young non-the-less for being a full negotiator of major territories and rights."

  "Yes! I can, just tell me what you'll need, I'll talk to command, and see what we can do!" I say in confidence though still nervous.

The man rubs his clean-cut chin and continues to rub it, "Alright. We need claim of territory of most things around the mountain and things that connect with it. We want passage to our brothers to the west. and we strong communications." He says.

I look at Schutz, confirming to me with a nod that these actually where the requests. The sound of helicopters and wind mix together in the distance as I say, "Alright, what kind of communications?"

He replies back in earnest, "Yes, any satellite relay comms. We have been trying to contact our main base across the mountains, but its too hard. We used to have contact with them up until the Legion attacked, now they've gone quiet. The Legion did something to our ground-line comms, they don't appear broken, but aren't working.

  "Ah, alright. Ill go over and talk to command then, give me a moment." I say as I turn around and walk to the group, I notice 2 soldiers writing down notes.

Schutz pulls a male soldier around to face 180* away from him, Schutz then pulls off a wire connected phone receiver connected from that male soldier's backpack. He proceeds to unclip a wire that was curled over the pack from side to side, making it fling upwards at full-mast. He flips a switch on the backpack and hands me the receiver, all wile the soldier wearing the radio-pack stands there awkwardly.

"Battle Mountain, Battle Mountain, this is Warrant Officer Weskier, reporting on the negotiations, over." I say in a slightly elevated and official tone of voice. Trying to remember radio protocol from my scavenger classes.

I get a reply instantly, "This is 1st LT Parker of the USA responding on W.O.Weskier, go."

"Contact with the Brotherhood at Vault 0 made, their demand is of long-range high-spec communication to their allies, preferring a satellite radio... Second request, passage in and around the area and possibly even to their western forces... Last demand, is to take claim to the area and nearby city around the mountain... That is all for their demands, over."

  Instantly back, "Confirmed, they desire a satellite radio, freedom of passage without hostility, and their own land to claim. Standby, ill pass this to High Command. Standby for recieve within the 1 or 2 hours. Out."

Finishing the conversation with command, I give Schutz the receiver and smiles at me. I turn around and approach the Paladin once again. The roar of helicopters started to really pick up.

  "Alright, so, they said to hold on-" before I could continue, the soldier with the radio pack I just was with had run up to me and interrupted us wile holding the radio receiver out to me, saying it was for me.

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