Chapter 55 - Limbo

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I awake in what seems to have been much later in the day as the radius of the fire looked to be a bit smaller. I felt something heavy on me, drool on my cheek, and I well rested. I lay there on my back, lazy feeling from the cozy warmth over my front, like the feeling of being in bed on a weekend. I thought about a dream I just had; It was about my life, what iv done, how much I tried to make Claire happy and how much I really didn't seem to care much about anything but securing a home.

I try to move a bit but notice the heavy thing on top of me was Claire, she was purring every time she breathed out. I laid there and let her sleep, I put my hands up and wrapped my arms around her for comfort and warmth to then gently rub the nape of her neck and upper back with my finger tips, making her purr louder; making me smile.

I laid there for a wile longer to just think about my dream and how much Claire meant to me and how much we depend on each other. Wondering why Claire really wouldn't want to follow me, what I could do to get her back. Does she really hate me?

  I then hear Claire's purring stop, she rubs her face in my chest, this makes me feel a bit warm in the face in embarrassment. I look down at her and say, "Good morning~ Feeling better?" I say to the sleepy cat still running my fingers over her upper back, giving her a teasing smile.

Claire then jumps a bit, then sits up forcefully, "Lyn!? What are you doing!?" She says in a serious tone. She then gets up off me and looks around.

I stand up, and sit on one of the cold benches next to the fire pit. Looking at Claire, she looks distraught and confused. She turns to me and gives me a look you'd give someone you're annoyed with. Claire then walks over to the closed door at the other end of the room, pulling the lever to open it up to a cave.

I sit up and follow Claire to the end of the cavern, an easy single lane tunnel. Claire stops for a second as I walk towards the warm glow of a setting sun. I walk to the opening to see a blanket of snow over trees and a building. I turn around to face Claire, the hue of the sunlight lighting up Claire's front.

"Claire, come with me. They're really close to making things better off for us, making things right, making everything fair. Come on, we can fix this all together. Make the home in a place we don't need to fight in or feel bad about staying with." I say in a gentle tone.

Claire looks up at me and gives a 'tisk' sound before saying, "Lyn, I don't need you anymore. I'm sick of being your shadow and your other half! Ill show you that I don't need ANYONE! I just need to be stronger, I gotta run the ranks to get whats needed!" She says with frustration before running at me. I was caught off guard by what she said, then being shoved to the side then onto my ass as Claire runs out of the cave.

I quickly shout out, "Wait! What is it you need?"

Claire stops. Gives a gently huff and says. "We need." Before taking a hard right hugging the side of the mountain as she runs off.

"No! Wait Claire, stop!" I say as I stand up and run after her.

I try to run for her, but she was too fast. She had already left my eyesight in the blanket of white and silver.

I continued to walk in her footprints to catch up to her. The wind chill starting eating at me again, and I started to get cold fast. About a 10 minute walk, I arrived at an Arroyo city gate wile freezing and shaking. I was able to get inside without issue as the sun left only its dusk in the sky.

I was sent to a guard building next to the gate. I got a blanket and a nice chair to sit in to explain what happen. Sitting there for about 5 minutes, I hear the sound of a helicopter taking off in the distance.

I had to give a statement to the security officer about what happen. I was given some kind of hot coffee made with milk rather than water. It tasted great and relaxed my senses, my head went blank as I turned my mind off. I wondered what to do next. Contact Hanna, say I'm alright? But, what about the Enclave? A way to protect the vaults. Or what about Claire? Why wont she just talk to me?

I finished my cup of coffee as I lifted my legs up into the blanket for more warmth and resting my chin down on my arms that I sat along my knees. The room I was in had white walls, a round table in the middle, 2 other wooden dining chairs against the wall, a door leading outside and a door next to me leading deeper into the possibly 2 room building.

  I was comfy again and feeling it made me feel tired. Before I could start to dose off, the door leading outside slides open and Hanna runs in! She gives a lunging hug before saying anything, squeezing to tight. I couldnt do anything, I was pinned!

"Oh may god Lynne! I thought I lost yaaahh!" She says in a breaking voice, sounding to be on the edge of crying.

I simply say back, "I'm okay, you're choking me!" with a restrained vocal.

"I read tha officer's report thinkin' the WORST would've happen tah yah. We encountered thee fierces' beast in da wastelan'. Mos' people don't live ta see their next day when encounterin' ah Deathclaw. That ya'are alive is beyond luck!" Hanna informs in her worry.

I looked at her as she held my shoulders with her hands and I said calmly, "Did anyone else survive?"

Hanna looked at me with her smile changing into a tight lipped gentle frown, "2 bodies where drug off with pieces of the armor ripped off and the 1 in power armor bled out shortly after being attacked." Hanna stated.

  I push and stand up before gently saying, "Okay, what now?"

"Well, we need ta head back ta base then, we need ta try and contact Vault 0, then we head on our way there." Hanna says calmly back.

I agree with her as we both put in our information that I'm okay and being picked up by Hanna for the guards. We leave Arroyo back to our vertibirds with a much heftier escort of all Advanced Power Armor units; this time sporting Plasma Carbines.

On our way back we ran into only a little snow storm, but that was all. Getting back to base, there had been a light snow storm breezing through. Getting off the aircraft into the night, the lit runway and hangars being the only way I could navigate wile in a brisk walk, fighting horrible snow and chilling high winds. I lead the way with Hanna behind me into the Terminal, I was shivering by the time I got inside.

We walked into the officer's office and started our debrief. When I got to our room, the first thing I did was desire a bed and warmth. I unzipped my moist jumpsuit and scuffled my way to try and pull my arms out of the sleeves. The sound of the front door close behind me as Hanna came in closing it behind her.

  I pulled my jumpsuit off fully and slipped my damp tank top and panties off, I busted into Hanna's bedroom and flopped on her bed. I gave out a hard sigh as the comforter does its job. Before I could relax fully, Hanna comes in and wraps her arms around my tummy and pulls me up. I simply let myself droop out in laziness.

"Come on Lynne~, were takin' a bath together." Hanna says with a motherly tone.

I blushed as I realized that Hanna was naked when I looked at her. I gave a slight shriek before saying, "What!? Together!? Why!? No! Why together!? Cant we just go one at a time?" I try to request.

"Than ya'are gonna shower first! No objections." She says in conclusion.

I sighed then got up, walked through the apartment naked, past the kitchen and into the bathroom to take my shower. After the shower, dried off, opened the door and Hanna was standing there, I walked past her and she moved into the shower room to take hers. I made sure to be fully dried off before flopping back on her bed.

Her bed had that strange scent again, but, I didn't notice from earlier. I didn't mind, I get relaxed and start to gently think and fall asleep in my thoughts again. Though, I was awoken to Hanna damp body flopping ontop of me naked as I lay face down on the bed.

"Do you have to?" I ask annoyed in a tired tone.

Hanna said back in a whispered voice, "Is comfy this way."

I shifted a bit, feeling Hanna's gently damp, silky skin on me, her gentle brush of her pubes over my thighs, her damn large tits smothering me at the shoulders and neck. I cared only about my current goal; sweet, comfy, intoxicating... Sleep. And I accomplished it fast.

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