Chapter Two

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March 15th - 16th, 2018

After my bath, Auntie Davina got me dressed before we left. We went to a buffett and then went to a park. A few hours later we went back to the houseI ate some lunch and took a nap. When I woke up it was about an hour later. However instead of leaving my room I stayed there and played with the few toys that I have. I stayed there until I started getting hungry. I quietly went to the kitchen and snuck some food up to my room and hid in my hiding space. I ate a quick snack and then continued playing until I got tired. I changed into pajamas and got in bed, closing my eyes to sleep. Instead of having a dream I had a nightmare. In my nightmare there was this thing chasing me. It wouldn’t stop chasing after me. Every now and then I would stumble or trip but I would always continue running because I know that I can't let this thing catch up to me. I kept running until I saw two other kids. They were a little older than I was but had their hands extended towards me. I ran faster and when I finally reached them I saw that there were two adults as well. I quickly grabbed onto the girl's hand. When I grabbed her hand she pulled me up and ran. It was really fast like how Klaus and everyone else runs. I didn’t know who these people were but they were taking me away from the monster. That’s when I woke up from the nightmare. I was screaming and crying a lot. Thankfully I have a silent charm around my room that way no one can hear me. I calmed myself down and eventually I went back to sleep. This time it was different. I was happy and having fun with four other kids. Their faces were blurred so I couldn’t tell who they were. The little one with dark brown hair ran over to me and lifted her hands up. I could see that I picked her up and held her in front of me as she cuddled up into me. She was talking to me and I was talking back but it was mumbled so I couldn’t hear. When I woke up it was morning. I got dressed and did my hair before I went downstairs for breakfast. I sat at the table and quietly ate my food. After I finished I brought my dish to the sink and washed it. I made my way back to my room and started coloring. A few hours passed and Hope came into my room. She seemed happy and started to color with me. As time went on she seemed to get bored and turned to face me. 

Hope: Hey Navaeh will you help me practice a spell

Navaeh: Is it a dangerous one

Hope: No it is completely safe to do

Navaeh: Alright if you say so

Hope: Thank you

We picked up our mess and then went outside to the backyard. Hope and I sat down and she held my hands. She started chanting the spell and I repeated what she said. But before anything could happen a strong unknown force sent us flying across the yard. When we both landed we let out screams of pain and a loud crash was heard. Immediately the entire family was outside and ran over to check on Hope. Hope started talking to them so I zoned out until I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked up and saw Klaus walking angrily towards me and I got scared. Before I had time to react I was up against a wall with his hand in my chest. Tears welled up in my eyes as he gripped my heart.

Klaus: Why did you hurt Hope

Nevaeh: I didn’t do anything she did the spell I just helped

Klaus: Lies tell me the truth

Nevaeh: I am telling you the truth

Davina: Klaus let her go she is just a child

Klaus: She hurt Hope and I can’t let her do that

Davina: You hate Mikael for what he did to you but now you’ve become him

Klaus then let go of my heart and took his hand out of my chest. Aunt Davina gave me a red liquid and made me drink it. I did and the hole in my chest closed up. Aunt Davina then picked me up and ran upstairs to my room. She set me on the bed and took out an outfit. It was cute and comfy at the same time. She then packed up the rest of my clothes and gave me a quick bath to clean all of the blood off of me. She then got me dressed and did my hair. My hair had a small braid in it going into a ponytail. The hat was put on before my stuff was taken out of the room. When Auntie Davina came back she picked me up and grabbed my blanket before running out to the car. She put me in and buckled me up before putting my blanket over me and getting in the driver's seat. Once the car got started she sped out of the driveway and down the street. After sitting in the car for a while I got bored and was nervous because I didn’t know where we were going.

Nevaeh: Auntie Davina where are we going

Davina: Remember that blonde lady I went to talk to a while ago

Nevaeh: Yeah why

Davina: Well you are gonna go live with her that way you aren’t getting hurt all the time

Nevaeh: Will I still be able to see you

Davina: Of course you will angel I will come down every birthday and holiday

Nevaeh: Ok

Davina: Guess what

Nevaeh: What

Davina: Remember the two older kids

Nevaeh: Yeah

Davina: They are your sister and brother you see the lady her name is Caroline and she had two kids with Klaus but he left her before she could tell him

Nevaeh: That wasn’t nice

Davina: No it wasn’t but they are really excited to meet you

Nevaeh: Will they get me in trouble like Hope used to

Davina: No they won’t sweetie now why don’t you take a nap

I nodded my head and closed my eyes. The darkness consumed me and before I knew it we had arrived at the house and Auntie Davina woke me up. She picked me up out of the car and grabbed my bags before going up to the door. When she knocked, a man answered the door. He let us in and called out to Caroline.

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