Chapter Six

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May 26th - May 27th, 2018

I was sitting in Sophia’s room on the bean bag chair while she sat on one of the stairs. We were practicing the song and seeing if there was any way we could add our own twist to the song. After about an hour of practicing we went downstairs to eat and talk to Mommy about an outfit we could wear. 

Nevaeh: Mommy could you take us to the store please

Caroline: What do you need from the store hunny

Sophia: An outfit for when we do the song

Caroline: Sure we can go later today alright

Nevaeh: Ok thank you Mommy

Sophia: Yeah thank you so so much Mama

Caroline: You’re welcome girls now how about we watch a movie together

Nevaeh: Yay

Sophia: Sure

I climbed up on the couch and sat on Mommy’s lap. Sophia was sitting next to us and had her head laying on Mommy’s arm. Mommy put on a princess movie for us to watch. Half way through the Movie I switched my position so that way I was laying down and my head was resting on Mommy’s heart. Josie and Lizzie came in and sat on the couch watching the rest of the movie with us. When the movie ended it was time for lunch so I went and helped Mommy cook. For lunch we made chicken tenders and french fries. I set the table while Mommy used the stove. I got the juice boxes out of the fridge and put them in our spots. Alaric was no longer here so we don’t have to worry about him. Mommy and Daddy have their wedding coming up which means that us girls get to go dress shopping soon. I was excited about the wedding. I couldn't wait. After we ate lunch Mommy told Daddy that she was taking us to get an outfit for our song. Once Daddy knew what was happening Sophia and I put on our shoes and sweaters before running out to the car. We got in the back and buckled up as quickly as possible. Mommy came outside right after us and got in, starting the car. We went to H&M to look for something to wear. When inside I found this cute yellow skirt and Sophia found a cute white top. It was a tank top and showed just a tiny bit of the stomach. Mommy found a really pretty headband that matched my skirt and a cute pair of white sneakers. I really liked the outfit but Sophia didn’t like the color yellow. We ended up finding a baby pink skirt and headband a little later on and Sophia loved it. We went with the outfits except that I wore yellow and she wore baby pink. We bought the outfits and got some ice cream on the way home. It was really fun and when we got home Sophia and I ran to her room with the outfits. We had planned on singing the song for everyone tomorrow. We put the outfits away and went back downstairs. All of us went and played outside for a while. We played tag, hide n seek, freeze dance, and on the swings. We continued playing around and I did a bit of gymnastics until Mommy called all of us in for dinner. After dinner it was shower time. Once all of us had showered and had pajamas on Mommy and Daddy put us all to sleep. I woke up from a nightmare crying. I got out of bed and made my way to Mommy and Daddy’s room. I opened the door and saw Mommy and Daddy watching their TV. I walked over to the bed and climbed up. Mommy watched as I crawled in between her and Daddy before cuddling into her side. She wrapped her arm around me and combed through my hair while watching her show. I slowly fell back asleep to Mommy playing with my hair. When I woke up again it was morning and I had my head over Mommy’s heart and Daddy’s arm around us. Mommy’s arm was still wrapped around me from last night. 

Stefan: Good morning Veah

Nevaeh: Good morning Daddy

Stefan: So what happened last night

Nevaeh: I had a nightmare

Stefan: About what

Nevaeh: Klaus came and tried to kill me again but because you wouldn’t let him he went after the others

Stefan: Hey it’s ok that’s not going to happen alright we won’t let it

Nevaeh: You promise he isn’t going to hurt me again

Caroline: I promise you Ve - ve he is never going to touch you again

Nevaeh: Ok Mommy and Daddy

Caroline: Now we have to go out today so you and Sophia are just going to wear your outfits for the song alright

Nevaeh: Ok Mommy can we go make breakfast now I’m hungry

Caroline: Sure come on

Mommy got out of the bed and picked me up before walking out of the room. She carried me downstairs to the kitchen. She sat me on the counter and had me mix the pancake mix in a bowl. She cooked them on the stove and let me go wake everyone up when food was done. I woke up everyone and we all went to sit at the table. We all ate our breakfast and helped clean up the mess. When everything was cleaned Sofia and I went to get ready and Mommy went to get the girls changed. Sophia and I got ready together. She helped me do my hair and put the headband in. We put our shoes on last before walking downstairs and sitting on the couch waiting for everyone else. After a few minutes Lucas and Lizzie came down followed by Daddy. About five minutes later Mommy and Josie came downstairs and we all went out to the backyard. Once outside Sophia and I got ready to sing the song.

After the song was over we went to the front and got in the car before leaving. We went to a home store and Daddy got a lot of wood, paint, and plumbing things. We then went to another store where Daddy got five new bed frames, dressers, tables, couches, bookcases, lights, tv’s, tv stands, fridges, ovens, and rope. We then went to Target where Daddy had us all pick out new bed sets, room decorations, chairs and plates. As we were walking to get everything I saw these 2 really cute hanging chairs that I liked and Daddy got them and put them in the cart. We picked out pillows, blankets, rugs, and anything else Daddy told us to pick out. He also got a lot of snacks and drinks. We spent the next few hours going to different stores and picking out the stuff Daddy told us to. We had to stop at a hardware store so Daddy could buy more wood and tools. When we got back home we all went to play while daddy brought everything to the backyard. He then took only the wood and tools into the woods with him. About six hours later he came back and grabbed all of the bags and went back into the woods with them. He came back for dinner but right after he left again. I helped Mommy clean up and get the girls in bed. Once both of them were in bed I went to my room and put my pajamas on before climbing into bed and going to sleep. I didn’t wake up from any nightmares this time.

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