Chapter Three

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March 16th, 2018

???: Caroline Davina is here with Nevaeh

Caroline: Alright I’m coming down now

Nevaeh: Who are you

???: I’m Stefan 

Davina: He is Caroline’s husband and a really nice guy

Nevaeh: Really

Davina: Yes really

Caroline: Well hello there Nevaeh would you like to go meet the kids

Nevaeh: Yes please

Caroline took me out of Auntie Davina’s arms and held me in front of her as she walked to another room in the house. There I saw four kids, two had dirty blonde hair and the other two had brown hair. Caroline put me down and the little girl with brown hair came over to me. She was really tiny. She wasn’t even half of my height.. She hugged around my legs and didn’t let go until Caroline said something. When she let go she looked at the ground and walked back over to the other kids. No one over there tried to comfort her as if they would get in trouble. I sat down on the floor and could see the tears on her cheeks.

Nevaeh: Caroline what are their names

Caroline: Well the one who hugged you is Josie, the one next to her is her twin Lizzie, and then the older two are your siblings Sophia and Lucas

Nevaeh: Josie come over here please

Josie: *sniffs* Ok

Lizzie: Your not mad that she hugged you

Nevaeh: *sites Josie on her lap* No she a little kid it’s normal to want a hug

I wrapped my arms around Josie and rocked back and forth with her. After a couple minutes she calmed down and I stood up as Josie tightened her grip around my neck. As I lifted her up she wrapped her legs around me and hid her face in my neck. Auntie Davina walked into the room just then and came over to me. She gave me a hug and kiss before saying goodbye and leaving. For the first hour and a half everyone left me alone. Well everyone except Josie left me alone she stayed attached to me. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to upset her but I found it weird that she didn’t want to leave me. Currently I was sitting on the couch watching a movie with Josie cuddled into my side. She kept fighting the urge to sleep as her eyes kept closing. I paused the movie and turned to look at her. She looked up at me and I started playing with her hair while rubbing her back. After a few minutes she fell asleep and I covered us with my blanket. I pressed play on the movie and continued watching it while still playing with her hair. A few minutes later Lizzie came down and walked over. She sat on the couch and watched the movie with me. When the movie ended I let Lizzie pick one and watched it with her. Half way through it I heard her yawn so I turned to look at her. When I looked at her she scooted away from me a bit.

Nevaeh: Are you scared of me Lizzie

Lizzie: No Mommy just said to give you space and she yelled at Josie when she hugged you earlier

Nevaeh: Hey it’s ok you can come sit next to me

Lizzie: Are you sure

Nevaeh: If you want to sit next to me you can I don’t care

Lizzie: Alright

Nevaeh: Are you tired

Lizzie: A little bit but it’s fine

Nevaeh: Come here

She scooted closer to me and I wrapped my arm around her. She put her head where my heart is and slowly fell asleep. I watched the rest of the movie that Lizzie picked. When it was over Stefan came in and saw the girls. He immediately started apologizing because they both fell asleep on me. Hearing him apologize brought Caroline into the room. She also started apologizing and kept saying how she was going to talk to them when they woke up. It frustrated me for some reason. I think I just got frustrated because I know how it feels getting in trouble for things you can’t control.

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