Chapter Four

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March 21st - March 30th, 2018

When we finally arrived we all went inside this abandoned building type place. I could see two adults standing guard waiting for someone and as I got closer I saw Josie and Lizzie. I motioned for them to keep quiet. Stefan and Damon went to talk it out with the two adults and I snuck over to the girls. I untied the rope from around their hands and feet before standing up. Josie lifted up her arms and I picked her up. Lizzie grabbed my hand and I led them towards Elena. She helped me get them out and to the car before going back in for Stefan and Damon. A few minutes later all three came out and got in the car. Josie was clinging to me and Lizzie didn’t let go of my hand at all. Josie was still scared from what happened and just cried into my shirt while Lizzie continued to hold my hand as if when she let go I would disappear.

Lizzie: While they were driving us to that place Josie kept calling your name while crying

Nevaeh: I know don’t worry it’s one of the reasons I came with them to get you

Lizzie: What’s the other reason

Nevaeh: Family

Elena: Hold up take a step back did you say you knew that she was calling for you

Nevaeh: Yes why

Stefan: How did you know that though

Nevaeh: I didn’t have my bracelet on and I was thinking about them while laying in the back yard when Josie was calling my name

Damon: What does that have to do with anything

Nevaeh: I could feel her calling for me and performed an accidental spell

After that everyone went quiet again and the only sound was the radio and Josie’s sniffles. I started playing with her hair trying to calm her down. Once she calmed down the ride back was fairly quick with the girls and I falling asleep. If we weren’t eating, drinking, or singing we were sleeping making the ride go really fast. When we finally got home we all jumped out of the car and ran towards the house. Elena opened the door for us and we ran straight to Caroline and Stefan. We gave them both giant hugs and didn’t want to let go. When I let go Alaric came over and picked up Lizzie and Josie. He had bags over his shoulder already and walked out of the house with them. We just got them back home and they are being taken again. That isn’t fair one bad thing happened and he took them away. We all ate dinner before going to get ready for bed. I put on pajamas and climbed into my bed. I couldn’t sleep though it was weird without the girls in the house. After a while I finally fell asleep but I kept tossing and turning all night. I kept waking up every hour and each time I dreamed it was a nightmare. I was absolutely terrified but I kept going back to sleep. When  morning came I didn’t leave my room at all. Caroline, Stefan, Sophia, and Lucas all tried to get me to come out but I wouldn’t budge. When something bad happened I was always locked up somewhere by myself and now that the girls are gone I'm locking myself up. I really shouldn’t be doing this to myself but it’s the only way to numb the pain of not being able to see them. I was sitting on the floor drawing a picture of something random. When I got bored with drawing I started reading. After I finished four books I practiced my magic seeing as I haven’t used it a lot recently.I did anything and everything to keep my mind off of the girls. It wasn’t because I didn’t love them, it's because if I thought of them I would break down. I became attached to them within a short amount of time and I’ve lost everyone in the Mikaelson family except Auntie Davina and losing more people is something I don’t want. That was my pattern for the next couple days. I was hardly eating and only had water from the bathroom sink. It wasn’t a healthy routine and because of it the days started blending together. Eventually Caroline walked in the room and picked me up, forcing me to come out. I tried to fight but I was too weak to go on for long. She sat down on the couch with me on her lap and Stefan, Sophia, and Lucas around us.

Caroline: Why aren’t you coming out of your room

Nevaeh: Because when I do it hurts

Stefan: What hurts Vaeh

Nevaeh: Everything I was her for a day and a half and grew close with them and now there gone and it hurts

Caroline: I know it does but it won’t get any better if you just stay in your room all the time

Nevaeh: It helps a more than you know

Stefan: How does it help Vaeh

Lucas: Does it really help

Nevaeh: For me yes it numbs the pain I’m feeling until I feel nothing at all I’ve done it everytime I used to get hit so

Caroline: Ve - ve I know that it hurts but we will get through this as a family and they will be back eventually

Nevaeh: Do you promise they will

Stefan: Even if they are his daughters he won’t be able to put up with both of them by himself they will be back before you know it

Caroline: Yeah now let's go get you some food

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