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Mommy ended up turning the house into a school with Alaric. Josie told me about how he hit her and that she is scared of him. It was also found out that to help cope with the trauma her brain resorted back to when she was between the ages two and three so she is what they call a little. She was still attached to me and we grew an even stronger bond. Slowly everything was going back to normal and the school’s library was named after Daddy. I kept the things he left me in a box in my closet that way no one would ever find it. I went to the school and attended under the last name Forbes-Salvatore that way no one knew who my real parents were. I continued on as the forgotten Mikaelson and no one ever knew and would never know the family that I came from. No one from the Mikaelson family came to look for me and Auntie Davina came to see me after she heard about Daddy’s death. I didn’t cry over it too long and helped Mommy out with the tasks she needed help with. I was constantly found with Josie and Lizzie as they were younger. If I wasn’t with them I was dancing or singing. I would also hide out in my tree house and the others would hide in theirs from time to time but they always went back to the house or school before bed. I on the other hand wouldn't. I would stay there for days at a time seeing as Daddy built it for me only a few months before he passed. 


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