Chapter Five

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May 12th, 2018

It’s been over a month since Alaric took the girls. I miss them a lot but I’m slowly getting through it. It was currently lunch time which meant that Mommy was in the kitchen cooking. While she was cooking the doorbell rang. Mommy called out Daddy’s name to get the door. Sophia then yelled down that Daddy was helping her so Mommy went to answer the door. I followed her and when the door opened I saw Alaric with the girls standing there. The girls ran and hugged Mommy and she hugged them back.

Caroline: What are you girls doing here

Josie: He brought us here Mama

Lizzie: Yeah dada brought us Mommy

Alaric: Something weird was happening and I thought maybe bringing them here might help

Nevaeh: Josie Lizzie your back

Josie: Nevaeh I missed you

Nevaeh: I missed you as well Jo

Lizzie: Did you miss me Veah

Nevaeh: Of course I did Lizzie

Alaric: You know Josie kept asking to see someone called Nevaeh when I had them

Caroline: Yeah Josie and Nevaeh are really close

Josie: Can we go play in the backyard Mama

Nevaeh: Can we please Mommy

Caroline: Promise you’ll be careful

Lizzie: We promise

Caroline: Ve - ve no ninja course until after lunch when I come out alright

Nevaeh: Yes Mommy I won’t use it until you come outside with us

Alaric: You guys have a ninja course now

Caroline: Yes as it gave the kids something to do to keep their mind off the fact that you took their younger sisters

After that we ran outside and went over to the swing sets. We all sat on the swings and started swinging while talking about what had happened in the time they were gone. Josie stayed quiet though like she was hiding something. Eventually we got bored of the swings and started playing tag. We played outside for a while until Mommy called us in for lunch. We all ran inside and sat at the table waiting for our food to be served. Sophia and Lucas came running down and sat at the table as well. But not before giving Lizzie and Josie hugs. Mommy gave all of us our plates and sat down to eat with us. It was peaceful at first until Mommy pulled her hand away from Lizzie saying ow. Josie quickly got mad.

Josie: You hurt mama, Incend-

Caroline: Hey no no don’t say that she didn’t hurt me

Alaric: This is what I was talking about when I said weird things were happening

Caroline: I can see that but what do we do about it

Nevaeh: Hey Josie you wanna know a trick for when you gut angry instead of using your magic

Caroline: *looks over with interest* What you doing Ve - ve

Josie: Yes please

Nevaeh: You love your bunny right

Josie: Of course

Nevaeh: So next time you get mad or upset just hug bunny close to you and think of someone you love that way you feel happy

Josie: Ok Ve - ve I will

Nevaeh: You promise that you will

Josie: Yes I promise

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