Chapter Eight

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July 8th - 9th, 2019

Over the past year a lot has happened. People came after us more, Mommy and Daddy finalized their wedding, and Uncle Damon and Aunt Elena took me more often. The room I would stay in turned into my room and no one else was allowed to sleep in there unless I said they could. I got closer with Bonnie and she helped me out a bit with my magic. Auntie Davina came for birthdays and holidays just like she promised she would. Right now we were all at Mommy’s wedding waiting for it to start. The music started playing signaling all of the bridesmaids to start going down the aisle. I stayed behind and once Mommy’s music started playing I walked out with the girls as flower girls. Mommy came down after us with Bonnie walking her down the aisle. Uncle Damon was the person marrying them. I waited as the ceremony went on and during the dance Bonnie took Josie and Lizzie to use the bathroom inside when the place erupted in flames. Mommy went to run at the fire but was held back by Daddy. I started saying the spell I heard Bonnie use to stop fire under my breath and could hear the others chanting it from the inside as well. Soon they all came out and the girls ran to Mommy and Daddy. I ran over to them and joined the hug. Later that night as everyone was going home Mommy was holding Josie and I in her arms. I saw someone who looked like Aunt Elena vamp speed away and Daddy followed her. I don’t think Mommy realized that she was still holding us because she followed after them as well. When we got there I saw Bonnie, Aunt Elena, Uncle Damon, Daddy, and the person who looked like Aunt Elena. Daddy and the look alike were in a cave and Mommy had tears in her eyes. She had dropped us and I landed on my feet and caught Josie. Daddy was saying something about having to save everyone and that this was the only way to do so. He kept going on about how he loves us all. I wasn't really paying attention until he said my name. He told me something that I will never tell anyone. It was our little secret as it was in code so that way only I understand. As I saw a bright light in the cave Mommy tried to run to Daddy but Aunt Elena and Uncle Damon held her back. I watched as fire engulfed him and started silently crying. Josie turned around and cried into my shirt as Mommy broke down. After a half hour we all went home. Once we got home I helped the girls get changed into pajamas and put them to sleep before going to bed myself. However I couldn’t sleep as Mommy’s crys kept me up. It was hard to get to sleep but eventually I did and when I woke up everything from last night hit me all at once. That day I didn’t leave my roomI could hear the crying and the begging that it was all just a joke but I couldn’t move. I was frozen in place. The only time I would move was to use the bathroom or to eat other than that I sat on the bed completely still just staring at the wall. The last thing Daddy told me was running through my head over and over again. Later on Uncle Damon, Aunt Elena, and Stephanie came over to say goodbye because they were leaving this town as it held many memories. Uncle Damon told Mommy to do something with the house and turn it into a school perhaps but no matter what she does she can’t sell it or touch my room. I smiled at him and gave them all a hug before Uncle Damon whispered something in my ear about Daddy leaving something for me in his room at their house. I nodded my head and said my goodbyes before watching them leave. Mommy took us all over to Uncle Damon’s house and walked around. While she did that I found Daddy’s room and saw an envelope on the bed along with two boxes that all had my name on it. I picked the envelope up and opened it, reading the letter Daddy wrote to me. Once I read the letter I opened the boxes and couldn’t believe what I saw inside of them. I brought them up to my room and hid them where no one would ever find them. When I went back over to Mommy she was telling the others how she was going to turn this into a school for the supernatural to keep us safe. 

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