| Chapter 001 |

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Outside the hotel building, heavy rain soaked the earth at night. Everyone hid in a blanket to warm their bodies. But that doesn't happen with this couple, they have their own way of warming up their bodies.

The sound of sighs filled every corner of the corridor of the five-star hotel room followed by the sound of skin slapping each other. Disgusting indeed, but these two couples are too soluble with their hot play.

"Don't stop, Mr. V." said the woman who was under the gallantry of the man who dominated with restraint due to the feeling that he wanted to sigh.

"Ohhh ..." with a style that closed his eyes and slightly open his mouth, V was really absorbed in what he was doing right now.

His manhood felt trapped in the woman's hole making it difficult for him to move his manhood but this was very tasty. Never did he feel like seeing this when boasting of any woman except this one.

"Fuck! I'm coming." He said in his baritone voice. The voice sounded very turn on in Kim Jisoo's hearing.

Without disconnecting the connection, V let go of his desire inside Jisoo contentedly.

But unfortunately there is plastic that wraps the man's manhood as a result of their hot struggles in bed unable to flow into the woman's uterus.


A timid ray of light entered the crack of the slightly open window to illuminate the face of the woman who was still satisfied in her sound sleep without clothes on the large bed.

Jisoo slowly opened her eyes as she regained consciousness from her sleep little by little. Jisoo got up and sat on the bed, she hadn't noticed what had happened to her surroundings.

The cool wind greeted her skin which was without any cloth making Jisoo groan. She looked down, how surprised she was when her eyes saw her bare breasts. 'I'm not wearing clothes', that was the first thing that went into her brain in response.

Jisoo unveils the blanket that covers her bottom and the thing she thinks is true. She is naked. Jisoo touched the side of her thigh and found below there was a bit of wet liquid.

She raised her hand and stared at the white liquid curiously. How surprised she was when the smell of sperm stung her nose when she brought it with her hand towards her nose.

"Eww ... Someone come on my thigh." She said while wiping her fingers towards the mattress sheet. Jisoo turned her body and caught the figure of a man sleeping behind her.

Quickly Jisoo put her hand over her mouth so she didn't make a sound. "he's still here apparently." she thought. Slowly Jisoo tried not to make a sound when she got out of the bed. She didn't want to make the man wake up because everything would be very awkward if that happened.

Trying to find her clothes on the floor but Jisoo could not find her panties anywhere in the room. "Aish! Where are you, my underwear." She muttered softly.

Jisoo raised her head and noticed her panties were on the headboard of the man's bedside. It hangs there. Jisoo climbed on the bed and tried to take her panties carefully because with one movement she would directly touch this sleeping man.

"A little more ....." she stretched out her hand longer and reached for her panties. Suddenly the man turned his body around with his eyes closed. Jisoo held her breath for a moment, luckily the man didn't wake up. Jisoo happily got off the bed.

"What the hell!" Jisoo said angrily when she found out that her panties had a very big hole when she wanted to wear them. She looked at the man and stared at him as if trying to kill the sleeping man.

The innocent face of the man who tore her panties really made Jisoo want to slap him and talk to him.

After putting on all her clothes, Jisoo looked at the man who was sleeping on the bed. It felt wrong if she left just like that so she took a piece of tissue and made an 'message' for him.

Not to forget Jisoo put some money for the man. Why did she do that? She doesn't know either.


V woke up with a very dizzy state of his head, he looked around the room and found he was alone. "Maybe she's gone."

V got up and picked up the teapot containing the water before his eyes caught a sum of money that was on a table not far from the bed. He set aside the money and took a tissue that had a few sentences on it.

"For Mr. V

Thank you for your service last night. I really enjoyed it. This is the amount paid for the night.


"What the fuck ?!"


Instead of feeling angry on behalf of his friend, Jimin did not even stop laughing at his friend's unfortunate fate for him. "Haha... 'Thank you for your service last night ?!' Haha... Taehyung-ah, I didn't even know you did service at your own hotel!"

Taehyung threw a small packet of sugar at Jimin. "Once again you laugh I will kick you out of my hotel and blacklist your name from this hotel." He said with full emphasis making Jimin to stop laughing.

Jimin cleared his throat as he take a sip of his tea. "Don't be like that bro... Thats not cool." He said awkwardly.

"Whatever." Taehyung mumbled under his breath.

"So what are you gonna do with the money?" Jimin said while look at the some amount of money.

"I will find her even if I need to get into a caring hole though." The sight of Taehyung gripped the spoon tightly until his hands vibrated made Jimin goosebumps. Jimin knows Taehyung's ego is very high and this woman has ruined Taehyung's dignity in the blink of an eye. He pray for this woman safety.

To Be Continued

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