| Chapter 004 |

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"Bae Jisoo!" That voice. Jisoo panicked when she heard Taehyung's voice calling his name very loudly. The hotel building seemed to likey to collapse at the sound of the man. Jisoo got up from the bed and ran to find a hiding place in a panic.


"Kim Taehyung, you need to see what's trending on twitter right now." Early in the morning, Jimin came to his apartment.

Taehyung, who had been shaken by Jimin, squirmed a little while rubbing his eyes with his hands. "What?" he ask using a deep voice as he just woke up.

Taehyung's eyes widened when he saw his name with the word small dick together became trending. "The hell!" Taehyung got up and ran to pick up his phone which was on the table.

"No... Impossible! Who wrote this ?!" Taehyung closed his mouth holding his hand while rubbing his face in frustration. Jimin who laughed out loud managed to get Taehyung's attention. "Taehyung's little dick ?! Hahahaha! Jisoo you already wrote the name of Taehyung this perfect mister. Haha."

"It can't be like this. I'm going to sue all the publishing companies that write these articles! If mine is small, what about Park Jimin's?" said Taehyung with the original release making Jimin stop laughing.

"Hey, hey! Mine is not small! You speak a little kindly. Even though my body is thin and a little shorter than your height, mine is not small." Protested Jimin who was not satisfied with the words hurled by Taehyung. Taehyung doesn't care about Jimin walking to pick up his clothes.

"Bae Jisoo, i will kill you this time!" Taehyung grabbed his car keys and walked out of his penthouse without waiting for Jimin.


"Bae Jisoo!" Taehyung angrily shouted the woman's name as he walked quickly towards the room where she was staying. The staff who saw Taehyung who was angry were scared because Taehyung looked like he was going to eat anyone right now.

"Where are you!" Taehyung said loudly when he arrived in the room, he didn't see Jisoo who was inside making him walk towards the toilet to check on the woman's whereabouts.

"Jisoo-" Taehyung's words stopped when he saw a glimpse of Jisoo coming out of the closet about to run away. His eyes and Jisoo collided making Jisoo laugh awkwardly. "I said kindly, come here closer to me." Taehyung said standing in his place while directing Jisoo to come closer with his hand.

"No!" Protested Jisoo who then got a nod from Taehyung. Taehyung looked back at Jisoo sharply, "Come here!!" Taehyung ran closer to Jisoo resulting in Jisoo running out of the room. Then there was a chase between the two of them.

"Bae Jisoo!" Taehyung ran after the woman in front of him. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Jisoo begged as she ran away from Taehyung who was still chasing him.

"Jisoo!" Taehyung called as he accelerated his pace. "Ahhh! No!" Jisoo screamed as she was about to be caught by Taehyung. Without him feeling Jisoo had already run out of the hotel building, Jisoo waved her hand trying to stop the taxi.

Jisoo's breath stopped when her hand was grabbed by someone. She looked back and only saw Taehyung who was in a breathless state. "Where do you want to go? Huh?" Taehyung said with his deep voice making Jisoo groan.

A taxi stopped in front of Jisoo making Jisoo think of a way to escape. She threw her shoes towards Taehyung making Taehyung release his grip on Jisoo's hand and protect his face from Jisoo's shoes. Jisoo used this opportunity to get into the taxi and ordered the taxi to drive away even though Taehyung kept knocking on the window of the car that was next to Jisoo.

"You're going to die Jisoo!" Taehyung shouted angrily as the car walked away leaving him there. Jisoo ran away.


"Bae Jisoo!" Jisoo who was on her tippy toes trying to walk through the living room stopped her step when a voice called to her. "Father. Hehe." Jisoo looked at his father with a grin.

Her ear being pulled by someone from behind made Jisoo scream in pain. "Ouch! Oppa, this hurts!" She said while holding her pulled ear.

"Just pull harder, Seokjin-ah. Let her feel it." Jisoo pursed her mouth when she heard the words from her big sister. Hearing the words from her mother who had just come out of the kitchen, pierced her heart even deeper. "It's true Irene said, just pull her ear until it breaks, it's okay." Jisoo started whining when everyone scolded her, "You guys don't love me?"

"Just look at what you've done. Aren't you loved enough?" Said her father while showing his phone to Jisoo. Oh, about the trending news about him and Taehyung. "Everyone asks dad about this, where does dad's face want to be? You have a fiancé if you forget." Jisoo moved her lips mocking the dad who was talking to her.

"Look dad, she didn't even hear it!" Irene said while pointing at Jisoo who was sitting in front of her. All of Jisoo's behavior could be clearly seen by Irene.

A man approached Irene while stroking the woman's hand gently. "Don't be too angry, darling. You're pregnant." His hand then turned to caress Irene's enlarged belly.

"Suho, how can I not be angry? This lady over here doesn't think when doing something." Jisoo deliberately show her tongue at Irene luring the pregnant woman to get more anger on her.

'Plak!' a slap right to her back head was gifted by Seokjin to his younger sister when he felt a little resentful at his sister's overly spoiled and childish attitude.

"Oppa!" Jisoo stared sharply at Seokjin while stroking the back of her head which was hit by Seokjin.

"Enough! Jisoo, how do you want to be right now? Call off your engagement for the sixth time? Five is not enough? When do you just want to be serious?" said his father with emotion.

"What your father said was right. Jisoo, please change to be more serious! You can't be single forever." Jisoo rolled her eyes lazily, since when was she not serious? This marriage is not what she wants so why should she be serious.

"Dad, mom, I don't want to marry by your choice! If you keep telling me to marry by your choice, I won't be serious until then." How many times has Jisoo repeated this sentence and she forgot because every time her engagement broke up, it was this word that was hurled but no one understood her.

Irene scoffs with her youngest sister's answer, "why don't you want to marry mom and dad's choice? You'll be fine Jisoo. Look at me who's happy with Suho, mom's choice and Seokjin who's also happy to be married to dad's choice Jihyo."

"That's right, Irene. Jisoo, you'll be fine with dad and mom's choice. Nothing bad will happen." Seokjin is in Irene's favor because for him the family's choice of partner is not bad.

Jisoo lowered her face, "You don't understand, Unnie and Suho Oppa have known each other for a long time, even since they were babies, Oppa and Jihyo Unnie did know each other for 5 years before you guys were married. What about me? I have to live enough to follow everyone's wishes. I do as what you guys wish me to for all this years. Should I let people to command me on what i need to do in my own romance too? " Everyone sculpted hearing Jisoo's words.

"I'm not asking for more, I just want to have the right to choose my own lifelong lover, can't I?"


to be continued

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