| Chapter 008 |

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Jisoo closed the main door of Taehyung's penthouse tightly, causing the men in the living room to jump a little in surprise, except for Taehyung who was sitting calmly on the couch without being disturbed.

His hand held a cup of tea that was still emitting hot steam. He blew on the hot tea slowly and brought it to his mouth slowly inhaling, impressed by the graceful aura as he did so. Taehyung's left hand is holding his tablet, his eyes focused on the hotel's flow chart for recent data.

"What the hell bro? Its your second time night stand with her right?" Jimin gasped dramatically which drew a furrow from Taehyung and replied Jimin two words, "So what?"

"So what?! Bro, you're asking 'so what'? Tell us the details please! We gotta know how she can lock your body to getting the second time." Chanyeol said while getting closer to Taehyung.

He acts as if he is a gossip girl who is busybody with others life story. Taehyung pushed Chanyeol to get away from him and get up from his seat.

"We are not going to have some talk about my sex life. And please get out of my house." Taehyung slammed his bedroom door after getting in the room leaving his best friend at the living room craving for the details about his sex life.


Jisoo pressed the button continuously as she waited for the lift to open. Why is the elevator taking so much time? She thinks as she stands in front of the elevator door.

"Ting!" She ran into the elevator quickly before pressing the button. She took out her phone and searched for a number that was saved in her phone contact.

"Lee Guan, send a car to the location that I have sent to you and I need you to clear all persons that were related to William. I want you to leave nothing behind." She held the phone tightly after ending the call she just made.

She can still remember how the fuck she can get drugs yesterday night. The memory in her mind is still freshly vivid in her mind.

Yesterday she went to meet a new upper clan which just got big recently. She actually has some trust issues to meet with these guys as she knows nothing about them personally cause she never met them. But as the amount of money they promised was very big, in the end she just accepted the offer.

She used her new green dress and looked gorgeous in many ways so when she stepped into the club many eyes were on her. Jisoo came to the club ofcause with prepared so nothing unwanted things happen unexpectedly. Her mans was everywhere in the club doing their own disguise.

The first time Jisoo saw when she opened the door of the vvip room was three men with five chicks. She hates when chicks are around the area where she needs to do some business. Its just ew!

"Signorina Bae! You are here!"

'Duh, ofcause im here as you can see me.' she mentally rolled her eyes as her face kept the cold look while looking at the three men in suits.

Jisoo sat her butt on one of the sofa after pushing one of the chicks or you can call it bitch away from the sofa. "Let's get straight to the business, shall we?"

Although the sentence she just said was a question sentence, that sentence just didn't sound like a question but a demand.

After a few minutes, a final deal was made between them before one of the guys named William offered Jisoo a cup of red wine. Jisoo accepted the wine as she thought the wine was the start of their business deal journey.

At first, she felt absolutely fine but then something seemed wrong after the first sip. Her body feels hot and simulated. Then, it came to her that she had gotten drugs by douches that were there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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