| Chapter 005 |

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Jisoo has lived with the will of others since she was born into this world. She never wanted to be the successor to her father's group, she wanted to be a living idol singer with stage and song.

Since childhood she was not given a choice because everything was arranged for her whether she wanted to or not she had to go through it.

Everyone thinks that the youngest will be the most pampered and his wishes will be obeyed. But all that didn't happen to Jisoo.

Jisoo has a brother and sister whose lives are not the same as what Jisoo went through. Irene is the eldest child of the Bae family. Its features are feminine and loved by the public. The true definition of the dream woman.

Often, Irene would be sent to a ballet dancing class while Jisoo was sent to a teakwando class. Jisoo doesn't want to learn teakwando, she wants to learn ballet dancing like her sister. Sometimes Jisoo would skip her teakwondo class just to see her sister dancing with elegance. That makes Jisoo jealous of Irene.

Seokjin, on the other hand, is a very smart person, her father never forced Seokjin to do something she didn't like. Bae Family's favorite child. Jisoo feels jealous when her mother always sends a cup of milk to Seokjin every night for the reason that she is tired of studying, what about her? If Jisoo is tired, not a cup of milk arrives. If she was sick, she had to get up on her own to find medicine because her father said she had to be a strong person.

People say Irene is an angel, Seokjin is the most perfect person while on the other side she is the naughty, tomboy and rebel one although she is the most obedient in her siblings. The only proof is that Seokjin is now a doctor and Irene is something that Jisoo wants to be, a famous idol and actor who is proud of Seoul, Jisoo....

Jisoo became a person that people feared, a person who was sometimes very insulted in the eyes of others. Even so Jisoo loves her family very much because they still love her very much only the treatment is a little different.

Despite being born into a silver-spoon family, her father never let Jisoo live happily in luxury like her brother and sister. Her father wants jisoo to live rough, with hard work that ultimately makes her the successor to her father's dark group. It's a lie if Jisoo says she doesn't like her job now because all that become habit which makes Jisoo okay with killing, threatening, hitting people.

Jisoo looked at the ceiling of her room, her brain busy remembering her father's words earlier. "Then, father, give you time, three months to find the right person for your life. If you can do it then you will marry the man, otherwise you must be ready to marry whoever your father chooses."

"Three months ?! Aish! Why did I agree to it earlier! Stupid! Stupid!" Jisoo scolded herself while pulling her hair in frustration.

Feeling like to crying, Jisoo rolled on her bed like a person who has lost her mind. "I know he must have done it on purpose! He know that I really don't have time to find my mate, let alone in three months! Aaaa..."

Jisoo got up from the bed with her hair tangled like crazy. She walked over to her closet and picked up her white underwear. "I admit defeat! I'm in despair!" she said, waving her white underwear.

"Fine! Fine! I will give you a entire three months for you to enjoy your youth day and to look for anyone you like but if the times up and you still didn't find out the 'one'. You need to listen to me no matter what. Its final." Her father just walked away after that as if he didn't say something made Jisoo stress right now.


Sitting with his legs wide open and his hands placed on the shoulders of the two bitches next to him, Taehyung really enjoyed the view of the chest and thighs of the woman next to him. His hands went down squeezing the thighs of the woman in the blue dress that was not enough cloth made the woman moan in a loud tone.

Another bitch who looked the same as the woman but the difference she was only wearing a pink dress, since then did not stop smoothing Taehyung's slightly exposed chest due to three buttons that were not buttoned on purpose. With his hands still squeezing the other woman's thighs, Taehyung turned his face towards the woman in the pink dress and kissed the woman lustfully.

Taehyung held the chin of the woman in the pink dress tightly, making her moan. Taehyung parted their lips with a smile that could seduce anyone. Feeling proud that he was able to make a lot of women fall for him.

He took off her hand from the bitch thigh then grip a glass of vodka and sipped it with one gulp. "I want to go to the toilet." He said making Jimin and Chanyeol look at him while Eunwoo was still enjoying himself kissing his newly girlfriend, Dahyun.

They were in a VIP room that was quieter than the noisy situation on the main floor of the club. Of course to get that room they have to pay more.

Taehyung walked around looking at the VIP club level decoration. He loves the color and the wall decoration which is only black and dark gray it is very beautiful for him.

Intensely he caught the figure of a woman who was breathing breathlessly in front of the vip room not far from the vip room he and his friends rented. The woman was wearing a black green dress with black heels. It's very tempting.

But why did he think he knew the woman?

Somehow Taehyung instead continued his step to the toilet but he even approached the woman. "Hey," he called to the woman while holding her shoulder.

"Eh, you?" He stared at the woman intensely. However, suddenly the woman hugged him. "Help me," the woman whispered with a trembling body.

Taehyung could feel Jisoo vibrating very badly in his arms. He was still digesting what was happening before he felt the woman try to untie the belt that wrapped around his pants.

"Hey! Hey what are you doing ?!" Taehyung said with panick, he held both of Jisoo's hands making Jisoo stop her action.

"Fuck it, i need your dick now!"


to be continued

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