| Chapter 006 |

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"Now~ Now~ Look how this small dick make you feels good...


Jisoo grabbed Taehyung's shirt collar making their faces closer to each other. "Fuck it. I need your dick now!" Jisoo said in a sad tone. "Please ...."

Slowly her grip dropped making her sit on the floor with a gasp. "Hey, why are you?" Taehyung asked attentively. Not that because this woman really seems to need something.

Jisoo's hand gripped the leg of Taehyung's pants and whispered slowly, "Help me. I feel so hot. It's burning me."

"You-" Taehyung's words stopped when realization hit him. "Stimulants?!" his question to Jisoo who got a slow nod.

Don't know why but Taehyung without a hint continues to lift Jisoo in a bridal style. Jisoo wrapped her arms around Taehyung's neck and hid her face in Taehyung's field chest that was exposed to her.

"It smells so sexy." Jisoo thought when the smell of Taehyung's perfume got her to smell. Her mind could not be cleared anymore.

Taehyung puts Jisoo in the passenger seat and instructs his driver to start driving to his penthouse. Taehyung grabbed his cell phone which was in his pants pocket and called his friend who was a doctor.

"Oi, why did you call me late at night ?! You know I just got my rest after 1 day of not getting enough sleep ?!" Taehyung rolled his eyes when he heard a beep from the line over there.

"Shut up me- Ah, Jisoo stop ~" Taehyung's voice was cut off when Jisoo suddenly sat on his lap rolled her butt sensually down there making Taehyung unable to control the moan that came out of his mouth spontaneously.

Suho who is actually still in sleepy eyes kept widening his eyes when he heard Taehyung's stupid moan next to him. "Oi, idiot! Don't say you're fucking with someone right now. If so I'll make sure I kill you for calling me to listen to me voice your curse!" He said angrily.

"Argh- I'm not- ah! Fuck it Jisoo! You're coming to my penthouse now!" Taehyung closed the line without waiting for a reply from Suho making Suho who was there feel very angry.

Taehyung pushed Jisoo making Jisoo lie on the car with her hand held by Taehyung over her head. "Jisoo, I swear if you're not sick right now, I'll throw you out of this car." Taehyung whispered in her ear.

The driver of the car shook his head at the sight of his master who seemed to be doing something very intimate for him regardless of the fact that the two of them were not alone. He, the driver is still there.

Jisoo, who has a lot of arrogance, makes Taehyung have to throw Jisoo on his shoulder like a bag of rice that he is carrying. Every time he came across some officers in the building, they would look at Taehyung and Jisoo with a look that was difficult to explain.

Taehyung opened the door of his penthouse with one hand and kicked the door with his foot. "So sexy!" thought Jisoo.

He threw Jisoo on his bed without thinking about the woman. Taehyung who was massaging his slightly bruised shoulder continued to stop his action when Jisoo said she felt hot and she needed Taehyung. "Be patient, the doctor will come." Taehyung said before he heard the bell ring.

"What do you want huh? You know tak-" Suho's words had to stop when Taehyung pulled him towards the room.

"What-" Suho's eyes widened slightly to see a woman who was in a bad condition lying on the man's bed. "Why with her?" about Suho approaching to check on Jisoo.

Taehyung just looked at Suho with a short reply. "Stimulants."

"It's bad." Suho muttered attracting the attention of Taehyung who came closer, "Why?" he asked.

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