| Chapter 003 |

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"Oh, my head hurts." Her head was throbbing when she woke up from her sleep, it felt like it was about to blow up.

Jisoo looked around the room she was in at the moment. This room is clearly not her room. This room is like a ward because of its clean white aesthetic color. She walked over to the window and opened it. Apparently she was now at the hotel because what she saw through the window was just a view of the street from a height.

"Who brought me here?" Jisoo muttered as she looked at her clothes, it was still the same clothes she wore yesterday when she came to the party, the same red dress.

Jisoo looked at a bottle of soju that was on the table near the bed carefully. She remembers it.


"His dick is s-small !!" Laughter filled the room as she said that.

Taehyung's eyes widened as if wanting to get out of his eye sockets. His hand pointed towards Jisoo, he opened his mouth wanting to say something but no voice came out. He is too speechless.

Jisoo closed her mouth with both her hands, she scolded in a slow tone scolding her mouth which was too stupid. "Wow, that's too much information, Miss Bae." The MC said with a laugh. Jisoo shook her head as if to say that it was a mistake her mouth was doing.

"President Kim, I didn't think you had a small one. You want me to suggest raising it?" said an old businessman. Obviously everyone knows the old man is Taehyung's rival. "You-"

Taehyung's mouth was closed tightly by Jimin's hand. Jimin knew what words Taehyung wanted to throw so before anything happened, Jimin first pulled Taehyung to another place.

"What did I say!" Jisoo stood in the food section, cursing her mouth. She slapped her cheek and bit her lip angrily.

A waiter who brought some wine passed in front of Jisoo, Jisoo spontaneously stopped the waiter and took all the wine and finished it. "Miss, please don't drink again." The waiter tried to stop Jisoo from sipping his sixth glass of wine but failed when Jisoo once again finished the wine that was in the glass.

Taehyung is sitting on a chair not far from where the food is, he is quite angry with Jisoo. "Bro, I really didn't expect him to say that." Said Jimin who was sitting next to him, laughing.

"I will kill her." Taehyung gripped the glass in his hand tightly. "Bae. Jisoo."

"Isn't that her?" Jimin's eyes caught Jisoo's figure who looked badly drunk in the food section. Taehyung looked in the direction Jimin was pointing, and it was true that the woman was there.

Taehyung stood up and walked away approaching Jisoo without telling Jimin about his departure. Jimin just laughed quietly as he noticed Jisoo was drunk this time. 'Taehyung will definitely regret his decision to approach Jisoo.' Jimin thought.

"Bae Jisoo." Taehyung called in a slightly loud and cold tone. Jisoo turned her body and looked at Taehyung who seemed to be quite angry.

Jisoo smiled wide seeing Taehyung's figure in front of her, without thinking twice Jisoo pulled Taehyung to approach him. Taehyung widen his eyes when something elastic stuck to his lips. Jisoo's lips moved slowly to crush Taehyung's lips.

Taehyung was just speechless with Jisoo's actions but from the corner of her lips he could feel the taste of lipstick and alcohol mixed from Jisoo's lips. Jisoo's hand turned from touching Taehyung's back to squeezing Taehyung's ass which surprised the owner of the ass.

Jimin who saw the agenda then choked on the wine he was drinking, he almost sprayed the wine out of his mouth.

Taehyung stopped Jisoo's action by releasing Jisoo's lip link on his lips which he never responded to. He pushed Jisoo's body away from him by slightly pushing the girl backwards.

Jisoo giggling while covering her mouth with both his palms. "You have a nice ass overthere." Jisoo said before reaching out her hand again to touch Taehyung's ass.

Taehyung with his red cheeks pushed aside Jisoo's hand which was too naughty. "You're crazy?!" Taehyung snapped. He felt quite embarrassed because there were several eyes looking at them since earlier seeing the agenda that Jisoo and himself made.

Jisoo made a face as if she are aboutto cry while looking at Taehyung. "Are you mad at me..." Tears fell one by one from the corner of her eyes making Taehyung panic. 'Oh what the hell is this woman?' Taehyung's mind as he looked around, many eyes looking towards him with angry stares as if he was guilty of having made an 'innocent' girl cry.

"Hey, hey, stop crying." Taehyung pulled Jisoo to his arms and it's true he was quite regret to hug the girl because the next moment Jisoo jumped up and wrapped her legs around Taehyung's waist. Jisoo looks like a koala hugging a tree.

"Jisoo! Jisoo, what are you doing ?! Get down!" Taehyung tried to release Jisoo who was leaning against his body. Jisoo shook her head roughly and hid her face in the corner of Taehyung's neck. Jisoo's warm breath on his neck made Taehyung tense for a moment.

"Jisoo? Jisoo?" Taehyung called when the girl didn't move much anymore. Taehyung peeked at Jisoo's face which turned out to have entered the dream world. He exhaled roughly and tried to let go of the woman's hug but was in vain when the hug was so tight. Give up, Taehyung walked out of the party with Jisoo in his arms like a koala with many eyes looking at him.

Taehyung's personal driver did not stop glancing in the mirror looking at Taehyung and Jisoo who were in a position that was quite intimate for him. Earlier he was a bit surprised when Taehyung came into the car with a girl hugging him tightly. It was indeed a rare sight he could see.

The car stopped at a large building that read Kim's Garden Hotel. The staff was surprised by the agenda of their president who hugged a girl in a romantic and intimate position. They started whispering right after Taehyung disappeared into the elevator.

Taehyung massaging his slightly limp shoulders after releasing Jisoo on the bed. Releasing Jisoo's hand from his body was so difficult that it took 5 minutes for him to try.

Taehyung is startled by Jisoo who suddenly wakes up and directs him to take soju. Obviously Taehyung refused the order but because he couldn't stand the noise that the woman was making, Taehyung finally told his employee to bring some bottles of soju for Jisoo.

Taehyung shake his head to see Jisoo who had been drinking soju, before he decided to leave Jisoo alone there. Before he left the hotel room, he first locked the door from the outside. So no one can get in and the drunk woman won't come out.


Jisoo's phone emitted a lot of notification sounds making her open the phone with a feeling of fear. She could guess what went into her notification.

to be continued

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