| Chapter 007 |

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The clock on the wall points to the number 2 indicating that it is 2 in the afternoon. Jisoo moved her body which felt very sore. She noticed next to her that there was no visible glimpse of Taehyung. And yes, she remembers everything that happened last night.

Jisoo's face blushed when she remembered how hot Taehyung was. The sound of water splashing from the bathroom made Jisoo realize that she needed to get out of there immediately.

Jisoo got up from her bed and opened the side of the blanket that covered her plain naked body leaving her body exposed. As soon as her feet stepped on the floor, her legs first felt weak. Crazy! How is she going to walk if her legs are like this?! Jisoo strengthened her legs and picked up her shirt that was on the floor.

As she bent down to pick up her bra, a pair of legs stopped right in front of her making her swallow hard. "Where are you going in a hurry?" That baritone voice... Damn, that's Kim Taehyung. Jisoo raised her head while smiling at Taehyung. Obviously her smile was fake.

Taehyung's hands wrapped around Jisoo's waist holding her back so she wouldn't fall when Jisoo's legs suddenly went weak and wanted to fall on the floor. Jisoo realized that now she was completely naked in front of the man.

Taehyung's hand came down from her waist towards Jisoo's butt cheeks and pinch it making Jisoo jump a little in surprise. "Ah!" Jisoo squealed when she got a rough slap from Taehyung's big hand on her butt cheeks. "You got a nice ass over there. " he said mockingly. Oh please, she felt so embarrassed as she remember the night before what she doing with his ass.

He chuckled, "Huh? You want to escape again like the first time, don't you? How much do you want to pay this time? 10 thousand? 20 thousand? Or 50 thousand?" Hearing Taehyung's words made Jisoo speechless. In her mind, she did not stop throwing various abusive words at the man in front of her.

Suddenly, Taehyung pick Jisoo up and threw her towards his big bed again before he, who was only wrapped in a towel around his waist, crawled closer to the woman. Jisoo's eyes were just round looking at Taehyung.

"ah..." Jisoo bit her lip to hold back a sigh to come out of her mouth when Taehyung touched the core of her body. Taehyung rubbed his fingers in a circular motion on her clit slowly.

"Does it still hurt?" Taehyung asked in a slow and gentle tone as if he was concerned about Jisoo's condition. Jisoo shook her head while biting her lip.

Without saying anything, Taehyung lowered his body and spread both of Jisoo's legs so that Taehyung could clearly see her crotch. Taehyung held Jisoo's stomach so that she wouldn't get up when Jisoo wanted to get up.

Taehyung took the cream that was lying on the table and applied a small amount on his finger before he applied it to the woman's sensitive area.

"Ah..." Jisoo couldn't hold her mouth when the cold cream was rubbed sensually by Taehyung. Jisoo held her breath and covered her mouth with her palm when Taehyung suddenly blew her sensitive area gently.

"You're turning on." Taehyung smirked. Intentionally he buried his finger in her warm hole making her moan out of her mouth. "Your walls tighten around my fingers, Jisoo-shi."

"Taehyunghhh.. " Jisoo closed her eyes tightly when her pear was sucked tightly by Taehyung.

"Fuck! I'm sorry I didn't mean to. " Taehyung spontaneously pulled the blanket and covered the plain body of the woman underneath when the door to his room opened and his friend suddenly appeared before closing the door tightly.

Jisoo tightly held the blanket that covered her body and hid her head in the blanket. Did he and Taehyung just get caught red-handed? Ahhh! Shame on you. Jisoo thought.

Taehyung who had finished putting on his shirt walked over to Jisoo who was hiding in the blanket. "I will leave the room first. You can shower in the bathroom, I will prepare clothes for you."

The sound of the door closing made Jisoo dare to peek through the blankets. Jisoo pulled her hair shyly when there was only her in the room.


Eunwoo quickly closed the door of Taehyung's room after he witnessed the agenda that was happening in the room. "Why, Eunwoo? Where's Taehyung?" asked Jimin when he saw Eunwoo who came alone after offering to call Taehyung who was in his room. "I'm dead." Eunwoo said suddenly without answering Jimin's question.

Chanyeol who just came out of the kitchen with the juice he made sat on the single sofa while looking at Jimin and Eunwoo alternately. "Why you, Woo? And where is Taehyung?"

"Let me go check." Just as Jimin wanted to get up, his hand was stopped by Eunwoo. "Don't!"

"Why?" asked Jimin who got a nod from Chanyeol. "Okay, I just caught Taehyung giving a woman oral sex in his room." explained Eunwoo who got a laugh from Jimin and Chanyeol.

Chanyeol patted Eunwoo on the shoulder while laughing. "Look Woo, Taehyung doesn't often sleep with women out there but your words don't make sense because first, Taehyung eating a girl out?! That's impossible! Second, in his apartment?! That's if the apocalypse won't happen."

Taehyung never brought women to his apartment let alone to have sex together because Taehyung said he didn't want his apartment to be dirty because of those women.

Another fact, Taehyung had already sworn in front of his friends that he would never give any woman an oral because to him it was disgusting. He also said that if he breaks his oath, he will give his friends a new island hotel share project for free. "Taehyung will keep his oath, because sharing hotel island is a bet. He won't change his words." said Jimin.

"I was-"

"You really don't know how to knock on a door, Eunwoo?" the deep voice interrupted Eunwoo's words making the three men in the living room look at him.

Taehyung casually sat on the sofa next to Jimin and threw a file on the table in front of them. "what is this?" Chanyeol took the file, he hadn't had time to open the file, Taehyung's words made him and Jimin's eyes widen. "Share project hotel island for the three of you."

"Heol! Don't say, you really-" Jimin's mouth seemed to freeze to continue his words. "You give women an oral?!" Chanyeol continued.

"I said it before! I can clearly see Taehyung's head in the middle of the crotch giving a woman an oral!" Eunwoo said before Taehyung gave him a sharp look.

Eunwoo looked away when he noticed that Taehyung was staring intently at him. "I- I'm not wrong.. You're the one who didn't lock the door." Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Even so, can't you knock on the door first?" replied Taehyung with an annoyed tone.

"How did I know you were having fun with a woman in there." said Eunwoo who didn't want to admit he was wrong. Taehyung looked at Eunwoo cynically as if he wanted to kill Eunwoo there too. "That's why there is the etiquette of knocking on the door before breaking into someone's room!"

"Wait, so you really brought a woman to your apartment?" asked Jimin curiously. Taehyung raised one of his eyebrows. "Why? Is it wrong?"

"Oho, Taehyung.... Who is that sunshine?" Chanyeol teased before a woman wearing a black t-shirt and oversized long track pants that were clearly Taehyung's clothes came out of Taehyung's room.

Jisoo walked quickly towards the main door of the apartment without saying anything and then just left. The four men sitting in the living room only looked at the woman until the apartment door closed again.

"Wait. That's Jisoo, isn't it?" asked Jimin, pointing to the door where the woman exited.


to be continued

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