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Red alert. Red alert. Red alert.

White----   and then red.

Cables and wires, flasks, beakers, thermometers, white gowns, artificial, continuous positive airway pressure, incubator, test tubes....

Someone, save him!

Please save her, save my daughter.

Checking vitals. Respiration rate at 72 per minute.  bradycardia, Heart rate fell to 13 beats per minute. 7.5 min after the first alarm. Temperature drops at 33.5°C.”

Severe bradycardia, apnea at higher risk.”

Buzzes, alarms and the cry of frustration. What can you tell? A four-cornered white painted damnation.

The humidification control is broken....”

Stand on guard, bring all men. Find my son!”

Prepare another servo-controlled incubator.”

My daughter! How's my daughter?!!

Checking vitals. Unresponsive. Cessation of life.


Time of death, 11:34 pm. Cause of death,


Skies of blue, and leaves of green. Would you judge me wrong if I tell you they're all yellow? Who gains dominion over all created beings?

Even if you pick a stone or throw a gold, there can never be a distinction but the direction. For the value of each only mattered to the holder.

Though an earl or a commoner, a common substance flows in them, blood.

Though a toddler or those about to retire in life, nothing differentiates than their perspective of direction, their visibility of an arrow.

What greater cause would it bring when the arrowhead taste blood?

What would happen if blood embrace arrow?

An art, august chef d'oeuvre, to be seen as one, as blood of an arrow.

Blood of an Arrow (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now