Hello there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I've been in a fair amount of these, because my old church had a class specifically for sex-ed, and despite my protests I had to go. Also, I switched schools in the middle of the year, and my old school taught sex-ed in the beginning of the year, while my new school taught it in the end.
So, here are some pro tips I've thought up along the year. (Follow at your own risk, most of these are sarcastic.)
- Aquire more information, you might as well get the most out of this. Ask the teacher about their personal sex life. Ask how many people they've slept with, and rate their experiences out of 10.
- Plug your ears, if you really must sit through this, at least you could try to keep your lunch in. Start screaming to block the noise.
- If you're okay with the class, take a different approach. Start predicting what various celebrities are like during sex, and share your findings with the class.
- Create your own slang terms for sex organs and share your findings with the class.
- Excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, when you return, share your findings with the class.
- Draw small animals and share your findings with the class (kills time).
- Start doodling on the pictures they give you of the anatomy. Draw faces on them and hand them back to the teacher.
- Realize how immature you are for doing these, and embrace it. You have found yourself. Share your findings with the class.
- Ask your teacher how SpongeBob has sex.
- Ask your teacher when SpongeBob could possibly have sex, because nobody ever comes to his house to sleep. Wait... Patrick does... but it's quite obvious they don't have sex.
- Ask your teacher if SpongeBob is a virgin, even though he's 29.
**Spongebob is actually 29, because when he had a driver's license it said he was born in 1986. 2015 - 1986 = 29. Look it up. (Although there are possible theories that he's in his 50s, but let's be real.)**
And on that note, goodbye now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
If You're Reading This I'm Bored
HumorHi, this is literally all random stuff I pulled out of my head. If you're reading this, chances are you're bored too. Let's be bored together as you read this shitty book of stuff from my imagination.