How To Survive Boredom At Home

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Hey ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So, my last "how to survive boredom" got the most views by a long shot, so I thought I would do another one of this "series" (if that's what you wanna call it).
I was thinking about what to do it on (I was gonna do work but there are too many different jobs so the situations are different & I've never had a job so it wouldn't be from first hand experience) and I figured why not do it at home, since I am in fact at home and bored (which, by the way, is why I'm typing this)

So here it is...


1. FOOD - it's amazing (especially bread tbh)

2. Play a Tiny Tim song (I find that "Tiptoe Through The Tulips" works quite well) and creep around family members - this will raise awareness for your cause (boredom)

3. Get a mattress and ride it down the stairs - it's basically like a cheap and less exciting rollercoaster and a pain in the add to drag back up the stairs. But hey, it's about 20 seconds of amusement (although narrow stairways are a problem).

4. Write a story on Wattpad full of random and useless words and stuff, and update it every time you're bored again - this is distracting from some other things I guess...?

5. Do... schoolwork - this is a great way to ensure that you're getting a good education and keep your grades up! :)

6. Realize that there's no way you're actually going to do #5 and burst out laughing because Adam was being sarcastic - I only do my homework when I need to improve my grades lmao

7. Write a survey on the "performance" of one of your family members and hand them out to others (especially pets - their opinion is vital)

8. Express your inner goth teenager - self explanatory

9. Throw rocks into your own window

10. Throw stuffed animals into your ceiling fan (it looks really cool flying and stuff)

11. Throw chips onto your treadmill (if you have one, because I don't. I just think it would be fun to throw chips on.)

12. Read a newspaper loudly and tear it up because it's boring

Well, I'm out of ideas. Bye

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