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"Nooooooooooooooo I dont want to go now plus you threw me in pool and now my dress is soaked in water you know it's difficult to go like this. I can also catch cold. Do you want me to fall sick?! What if I die?! What if I never recov—"

Taehyung was cut off by Jungkook by a peck

"Okay shut up you dramatic ass I know you dont want to go and your excuses are so lame , I used to give these excuses in school time" said Jungkook as he shook his head.

"But still it worked right?! That's all matters" said Taehyung giving a boxy smile.

Jungkook just sighed and said "Let's get out of the pool"

But before he could do anything else , he was picked up by Taehyung in bridal style.

"Nuh uh my baby should not walk like this"

Jungkook just gave a done look snaking his arms around Taehyung's neck and said

"So should I crawl or what ?"

"Nuh when you have me then why spending energy here and there"

— - — - — - —

Taehyung and Jungkook were cuddling with each other after changing their dress.

"Hyungie" asked Jungkook as Taehyung just hummed , eyes still closed , and one hand caressing Jungkook's waist as the other was under Kook's head.

"How will you go back?" Questioned kook as he kept his chin on Taehyung's chest and looked up with his cute doe eyes.

"U-um that with helicopter" he answered nervously and opened his eyes looking at the other.

"Wait really?!" Said an excited Jungkook.

"Yes?" Asked Taehyyng confused why kook was so excited about.

"Then I will see you off" said Jungkook with a bunny smile.

'Oh fuck'

Taehyung definitely doesnot want to embarrass himself infront of his love on the first day they met , well ofcourse not the first but that day was a mess so you know.

"Well l-love why do y-you wanna see t-that. You should rest right ?" Said Taehyung nervously

"Nuuuu I will see how you do that action stunt plus this is no less than action movie booooom booooom " said Jungkook doing actions in the air.

Taehyung laughed at that and pecked his lips and said " no Jungkook just rest. I will go safely dont worry"

But Jungkook was adamant about seeing him off so he said

"If I said I will see how you go then I said! okay! Discussion end!"

Taehyung just sighed in defeat and said "okay as you wish"

- — -

"Are you sure you will be here ? You can go now haha" said Taehyung nervously while his hands were sweaty.

It was early in the morning nearly 4 to be exact.

"Yeah come on go go" said Jungkook and kissed him last time.

Taehyung just gave a forced smile and turned around and started walking towards the rope that was down there

'God ! Fuck me! No wait dont fuck me , I will do this with koo ! Fuck my life! Why did I chose to come like this ! Many other ways were there but whyyyyy this?!'

Taehyung did not realise when he was standing near the rope.

Taehyung held the rope as he turned around and gave a nervous laugh.


To which Jungkook returned


Taehyung again laughed


Jungkook again replied


Taehyung again


Jungkook then

Snapped kook

Taehyung again laughed and turn around and started to climb but as it started shaking


- — - — - — -

So I was in coaching and my physics teacher was drawing a diagram so when he was drawing one of the girls said "oh that looks like underwear" and all were saying "ohMyGoD yOu aRe sO DiRtY MiNdEd" meanwhile me thinking "this is definitely looking like a condom"

I am so done with myself and for just underwear they are saying dirty mind but what will happen when they come to know about me— 💀


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