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someone shouted as both jin and Jungkook snap their heads towards that direction.


Said Jungkook as he ran and jumped on him

"Calm down bunbun... I am not going anywhere"

That person started caressing his hair as kook was hugging him tightly and wrapped his legs around his waist.

Suddenly he was harshly pulled by jin

"Yah! You told me you are loyal to Taehyung then what the fuck is this. I swear to god Jungkook I will kill you" said Jin ready to throw hands.

Jungkook was hurt this time.

"Hyung dont you trust me even for a bit. I know Taehyung is important for you but that doesn't mean I am a stranger. You know me very well yet you doubt me." Said Jungkook as his eyes started getting teary.

"Oh then who is this mister?" Said Jin folding his hands with a stern face.

Jungkook looked at that person and the person nodded and introduced himself with a bright smile.

"Hi Seokjinshi I am Jung Hoseok. Jungkook's cousin"

Jin froze because he was his cousin yet he talked sternly to Jungkook knowing he is sensitive.

Jin shook his head and asked " How do you know my name?"

"Oh that... Jungkook always talks about you and say that you are kind of mother figure to him that's why" said Hobi still smiling brightly.

"Oh kook—"

"Enough hobo hyung let's go. If someone don't trust me then I should just go from there because I may be a cruel heartless man going here and there to break someone's heart" said kook on the verge of breaking down and dragged his hyung with himself.


Jin was about to go to him but he was already gone.

"What have I done! Fuck!"

- — - — -

Hobi and koo was enjoying their time in another cafe which was near a lake.

"Hobo hyung" called Jungkook as he sipped his nana milk.

"Yes bunbun"

"Do you still do hacking works?"

Hobi looked at him with hesitation and said "y-yeah sometimes why ??"

"I want your help"

Hobi raised his brows indicating to continue.

"Hyung you know about my brother right? He kept mom and dad somewhere. I tried to take help from few hackers but none of them were able to do. I just know that he goes there once in 2 weeks to mom and dad and do something. I want them to be safe and fine. I know you were one of the best hackers in the world. I still believe you are. So I need your help please?"

Jungkook gave his best doe eyes with a cute pout on his lips doing finger hearts. Now tell meh who isn't gonna melt at this? Hoseok is no exception

Hobi signed as he said "okay just because you are my favorite cousin"


- — - — -

"Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung Taehy—"

"Hyung calm down what happened" asked Taehyung worried about the weird behavior of his hyung.

"I fucked up I fucked up I fucked up I fucked u—" Jin was continuously ranting while running here and there.

"I know hyung you fucked up but please tell me what did you do?" Said Taehyung getting frustrated.

"I said something bad to my friend"

Jin said which made Taehyung confused

"Which friend?"

"Oh that Jeon Jungkook" said Jin in hurry.

"WHAT?!" Shouted Taehyung standing on the couch.

"Oh fuck"

- — - — -

All thought it was either Tae or Joon lol 🤡


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