Chapter 1

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Warning lots of cursing 🤬 😳 😬 and references

2355 words


"What's going on? "

"Where... Where am I? It's so dark."

"It's so cold. Hello?! "

"Why can't I move?"

" We..... Er....... qui....... sur......"

"What? I can't hear you!"

"Get ... organs ready. We .... immed.... transplant!"

"[NAME]! [NAME]! Mommy's here! I'm right here baby! Don't worry baby We're gonna help you!"

"Ma'am you can't come any further."

"No! No! I'm her mother!"

"I'm sorry miss but we have to take her to surgery."

"Stay Alive baby! I'll be right here for you."

"Get the .... come on..... finish...... now"

"Sir..... its...... danger....... we can't."

"I'll take............."

What happened again?

"You are becoming. "

"Becoming? Becoming what? "

"A friend, or a foe. But that is for you to decide. I don't have time, you will wake up soon. Dont panic, my memories will reveal themselves in time, as well as your new gifts. Goodbye little one, we will speak again."

"No! Don't leave! I'm confused! Please don't leave me too."


Bubbles floated upwards pass me. How do I know that? My eyes are closed. People gathered in front of the glass, I could hear them awe at me. Who are they? Why are they here? They can't all be scientists. One of the people stepped out and the small muffled whispers went quiet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, " A man spoke to the crowd. "Our great Lord, Zalgo, gave us a mission almost one hundred decades ago. After Seventy-six tries we have finally succeeded!" Cheering came before quietly fading.

"Many of you have been hear since the founding of our mission and now after so long the year two thousand is upon us! And the great birth of our success!" More cheering ensued, but something is wrong. I could feel my features twitch as the man spoke about my form.

A long snout, for catching and grabbing struggling prey, whether animal or man. Pits at the end of my nose for detection like echolocation, in water or dark caves. Horns, wings, the different fins along my tail, to help with flight or swimming. The cartilage spikes along my spine, mostly for decoration but can act as a stability for fast turns and flips or regulating body temperature. He went through me like bullet points. Suddenly a large boom, shook the foundation, people began to scream and run.

"The Proxy's are here!!"

"Protect Lord Zalgos'-"

"Run for your lives!!"

"Don't let them get to the female!"

"Quickly before they- Ah!!"

"BEN, I see you have betrayed your own Kind." A few people were by a strange box like station. The man still stood next to me unmoved, the rest of the room was empty. "Would you honestly kill your family. "

"You aren't my family. I fight with the Slender now and no one will get in our way."

"No! Wait Ben! If you do this the only female dragon will die. Think of the power we could have"

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