chapter 8

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I gasped as I came to. Everyone around me was talking and minding their own business. Looking around, everything seemed normal. Ben stretched his arm over my shoulder.

"You good? Did ya have a nightmare, Princess?" I stared at him, annoyed.

"I was dreaming my parents were being murdered." I paused as a few people glanced at me. "But now, I'd like to get back to that."

"I've been rejected." Ben stuck his bottom lip out. A few of them laughed, Toby laughed so hard he started coughing. They all started talking again, Ben spoke but I didn't listen, I simply stared out to nothingness.

"Hey, You good?" Natalie moved next to me. She had her regular blue-green jacket, a casual black shirt, and blue jeans on. She had her brown hair in a ponytail today, her clock eye covered by the eyepatch. "I'm Natalie-" The girl reached out her hand.

"I know," I interrupted her. "But you want to be called Clock instead." She looked at me and smiled, her eye twitched slightly.

"O-oh. I see." She hesitated and avoided eye contact as I analyzed everyone.

"Are... you okay?" Ben leaned in slightly whispering as I sighed and held my brow.

"No, I'm fine. I... realize that may have been rude, I'm sorry." I tried to smile but my mouth wouldn't move like that. I sighed as my smile came off as a grimace.

Jeff glanced at me before looking back at the forest. He wore a red and white tie-dye jacket today, the red and white were swirled together. Stains of... something, made patterns and shapes I could lose myself in. I analyzed the forest area he was looking at. Someone was there, watching us, but they were gone now.

"Where did you get your jacket, Jeff?" I spoke, slightly shouting, disturbed. Something was wrong, I've been here before, I've done this before.

"I made it myself, easier to hide blood stains." His eyes squinted as he smiled at me.

"That's," I hesitated as I looked at my clothes. "Smart. I didn't think you knew how to use your brain, Jeff."

"Why you Little-" I glanced at the others, they seemed to be scrutinizing me.

"Being bitter won't make you prettier." I interrupted him.

"Oh, fuck you, I'm gorgeous." He leaned forward from his seat.

"Hey, you do you, God knows no one else will." I let him fume at me as I looked away. "Jack, you got a spare jacket?" I didn't let him answer me. "Great I'm stealing it."

"If you find something suspicious-" He pulled out a jacket from his bag.

"I won't." I had everyone's attention. "You aren't the type to leave things behind... On accident." I put the black hoodie on immediately, the smell of cleaning alcohol, iron, and pine needles clung to the jacket. I could feel the monster inside of me rumble with satisfaction over a scent that reminded me of blood, and hospitals.

"You seem to know us quite well, but we don't know you. Do you like sweets?" A boy leaned over on my shoulder and was at eye level with me. A very slim, pale, tall young man with messy neck-length black hair and a black-eyed boy smiled at me. "Candy apple?" I looked at him before taking the sweet from him.

" An apple? How ironic." I grimaced a the caramelized fruit. The thought of Adam and Eve entered my mind. They ate fruit to gain knowledge, and though they didn't realize it, power. I could smell the apple and caramel, but thanks to my enhanced smell, I could sense there was something else. "Nightshade."

The boy froze, before breaking out into laughter. "Of course it is! Hahaha!" Everyone looked at me, I could sense their eyes, but when nothing happened they seemed to relax. "You are one of the only to guess correctly! We'll be great friends." I nodded at him as he went to the other side of the table and sat down, still chuckling.

I glanced at Toby and he shrugged, "He's always-s b-been like this." I gave him a thumbs-up as I nodded understanding. I looked at Mr. Sideburns next, I couldn't tell if he growled or groaned at me, aggravated.

"Tim a-and that's Bryan." Toby pointed at the pair as I glared back at Tim. Bryan simply waved at me and lifted the orange hood back on his head.

"Helen Otis." I pointed at him, he was the only one who wasn't in the woods. He looked concerned glancing at my finger and then at my face.

After a few unneeded introductions, everyone started talking to each other, LJ and Toby spoke to me the most before getting interrupted by Ben. Jack, Natalie, and Jeff would glance at me and ask a question about whatever conversation I was having. Tim and Bryan mostly talked to each other, and Helen drew in his sketchbook.

This continued for almost twenty-five minutes before I finally stood up.

"Hate to cut this short, but I need to use the restroom, I'll see you guys later." They waved back except for Tim, and I casually walked away. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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