Chapter 2

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We sat in silence as we went around town. The rest of the day went by without much going on. We stopped and ate then went by the dmv before heading home. The house was empty except for the furniture all packed in one corner. When it was obvious there wasn't anymore moving around I used the last of the sun light decorating my room. It was around midnight when I finally collapsed on the bed, I groaned to myself, tomorrow was going to be hĕll.


"Jeff what are you doing!?" A voice came from the darkness.

"This shįtty girls gotta pay." A second voice but more raspy.

"Jeff, you know what Slender thought went he saw our memories." The first one sounded agitated

"Everybody has their moment." The raspy voice chuckled before static filled my mind.

"Yes Slender." The raspy voice sighed in defeat as the window opened and closed.

I felt more static.

"I know Slender, but there's something more. I feel like I know her, like we've met before." The static returned.

"I feel like she's from ... His Domain." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This psycho was talking to mind static.

"No. You're right."

"I guess I just regret what happened. It wasn't fair to her."

"I kept thinking about that night while I spoke to her."

"I know she's human, but it feels the same."

"Please Slender. At least let me try. And if it doesn't work out then Jeff can-" He stopped himself as he let out a broken sigh.


"Thank you Slender, I promise I won't let you down." The static left, leaving a hole where it was.


Finally I jumped from my bed, breathing hard. I looked around, no one was there, the sunrise glittered through the binds of the window providing enough light. Then, voices coming from down stairs, I rushed to my morning routine, skipping the shower, before turning off my alarm, and rushed down stairs.

I came to a hault when I saw Ben sitting at the kitchen counter. He was laughing when he saw me.

"Hey [Name]." He waved at me as my mom looked from around the corner.

"Oh darling, we thought you were asleep. " Mom said. "Your friends were just telling me about your first day."

"My friends?" I said unsure as Jeff popped in my head. The brown haired boy stood from the counter and approached me hand out.

"I'm Jack. We didn't meet properly yesterday but I sit close to you in Med. 3A. " I shook his hand.

"You're the boy who sat Jeff down. " He nodded at me.

"Sorry about him. He has anger issues, and tends to be protective of Ben."

"We're like brothers." Ben chimed in. "Anyway, we noticed you lived here and we wanted to take you out." An awkward moment went by before he corrected himself.

"Uh.. to school. We wanted to take you out to school." Everyone stared at him for a moment.

"Riiiight." Sure they're wierd, but I'm positive dad won't want to waste the gas dropping me off. "Ok, sure." They looked at me in shock. "What?"

Ben fist bumped the air. Jack whipped around and glared at him.

"Sorry about that, Ben and Jeff took bets on if you would come or not." Of course they did, what else are immature boys supposed to do. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my bags. Ben hopped off the stool and, opened the door for me.

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