Chapter 4

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"I'm Natalie, but everyone calls me Clocks." The only girl at the table shook my hand as I sat down. She had a blue green jacket, a casual black shirt and blue jeans. She had nice brown hair and it complimented her green eye but what stuck out most was an eyepatch on her.

"Lockwood Benjamin, but you knew that Princess." Ben unnecessarily introduced himself and as always he had head phones around his neck.

"Jeff." The boy glancedat me before looking back at the forest. He wore a red and white tie-die jacket today, the red and white were swirled together. Some of the shapes looked like people others were animals.

"Where did you get your jacket Jeff?"

"I made it myself, easier to hide blood stains." His eyes squinted as if he smiled at me, it was hard to tell with his face mask.

"That's," I hesitated as I looked at my own clothes. "Smart. I didn't think you knew how to use your brain Jeff."

"Why you Little-" I glanced at the others, they seemed to be scrutinising me.

"You could use tie dye," Jack interrupted him. "Or just get pure black jackets. I have spares if you want one or two."

"Hell yeah, I will gladly steal one of them." I grinned at him.

"Ok, but if you find something suspicious-"

"I won't say anything, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

"Do you like sweets?" A boy leaned over on my shoulder and was eye level with me. He looked like L from a death anime a friend showed me, but he was smiling. "Candy apple?"

"Sometimes and is it poisoned?"

"Of course it is." At that I grabbed it and took a large bite. Everyone looked at me like I was insane, but when nothing happened they seemed to relax.

"I'm LJ. We'll be great friends." I nodded at him as he went to the other side of the table and sat down.

"W-well, I'm Toby, b-but you knew that." Toby shrugged as I gave him a thumbs up. I looked at Mr. Sideburns next, soon everyone was looking at him, groaned agrivated.

"Tim and this is Bryan." He didn't bother to look at me but he had a clean cut around his side burns. He had his usual tan jacket and jeans, nothing else stood out while he continued to ignore me. Bryan simply waved at me and lifted the orange hood back on his head.

"Helen Otis." The next boy introduced himself and the first thing I saw were his sky blue eyes, there was some dark rings under them but it seemed to contour his eyes. His hair was neatly brushed out of the way. He was the only person with black slacks on, but they complimented his blue shirt.

After a few uneeded introductions, everyone started talking to each other, LJ and Toby spoke to me the most before getting interrupted by Ben. Jack, Natalie, and Jeff would glance at me and ask a question about whatever conversation I was having. Tim and Bryan mostly talked to each other, and Helen drew in his sketch book.

This continued for almost twenty five minutes before I finally stood up.

"Hate to cut this short, but I need to use the restroom, I'll see you guys later." They waved back except for Tim, and I casually walked away.

When I entered the bathroom, I became dizzy almost sick. Shit, what the hell did LJ put in that apple. I need to throw up before my body digests more of it. Blackness crept into my vision and I could feel the world swallow me.

"Sweet child," A womans voice called inside my head. "Mother is here now, you don't need to hide. Mother will protect you." I could feel warmth blossom around me, like a relaxing bath. "You will shed this tight caccoon, and your true beauty and terror will be revealed. Mother will help you, then you will not need to wash your teeth with conflict, you will dirty them with it. Rest now, for you have earned the right to kill."

All went black before I was wrapped and my conscious faded.

My breath wasn't laboured instead it was even and I could feel the oxygen flow through out my body.

​​​​​​I can't wait to CONCURE

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