Chapter Three

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"How long has it been since then? How long since you were mine?"

I woke with a start, another nightmare, and a memory. I sighed in relief as I started to remove my sweaty bedding and headed to the laundry room. The stress is getting to me.

According to the memories The Great Leader was named Zalgo, and for some reason, he was interested in what humans call dragons. The realm created many throughout the world's life, and a few still exist but most died during the dinosaurs. A few more were killed from the rise of humanity and whoever is left has gone into hiding from pollution or dead. In the memories, it was the first in over thirty-five thousand years and was meant to start an apocalypse of man. Obviously, that didn't happen.

I walked down to the kitchen still lost in thought. The other dreams I have are nightmares of my sister, and what happened with the group of kidnappers.

"Hey Sport!" Dad greeted me. "Woah, you look like you just got out of a car wash, but you forgot your car."

"Nightmare." I stated. "It was about, before the surgery." My father became quiet with a stern look on his face. He pulled out a note pad and listened to me try and recount my dream. I could remember something important.

"I think there was a group. I'm not sure, all the details merge together. But I remember a guy." He looked at me with a questioning face. "He was different, like inhuman different. I don't think he's a good guy, like he wanted something and I was a way through. I remember he had black and reddish hair and a red suit. " I continued to describe the dream, but soon I couldn't remember much, and Dad gave up. Finally I had to leave for school, hopefully things will go back to normal soon.

Two weeks have already passed since the move and the only people who hang out with me is Ben and Jack, but Jack doesn't visit often, sometimes Bryan but it was more like he just so happened to be in the area. The others in Ben's group don't pay much attention to me and mostly leave me alone, though Ben has said he wants to introduce me to Ticci Toby. Apparently that's his nickname, I wanted to ask why he was called that but decided against it.

"Yo! [Name]!" Ben waved at me from the entrance, next to him was a guy with striped sleeves, his back towards me. I hurried up the steps and greeted him.

"Why are you always hanging out with me? You know you don't have to."

"My dear princess, you sit at our table, you're beautiful. I even came up with a poem Roses are red, violets are blue, my only mission is protecting you." He winked at me when he finished, I giggled at it and decided to play along.

"Aw Ben, that's so sweet." I giggled again and a similar poem popped into my head. "You know what Ben?" He tilted his head at me. "I have a poem for you as well. Roses are read, violets are blue, I have five fingers, the middle ones are for you." With that I flipped him off, and his jaw dropped.

"I've been rejected." Ben stuck his bottom lip out. Ben's friend laughed so hard he started coughing. We went inside after the boy, who introduced himself as Toby, calmed down mostly. I'm positive he has turrets syndrome but he didn't bring it up, and I didn't mention anything. I guess that's why they call him Ticci Toby, though in a way it's kind of insulting.

I noticed as we walked he would slightly hesitate after his tics, as if he was expecting me to yell at him. By the time we got to the cafeteria we met up with Jack and Bryan in the hallway. It was almost empty.

"Where is everyone?" I asked the group.

"Superstitious Holiday." I quickly turn to see Tim, aka Mr. Sideburns.

"Yah, we don't have to go today." Ben interrupted and grabbed my hand. I soon found everyone outside sitting on a bench in the shade of the tree.

"So you finally decided to come." Jeff said from his seat.

"Was that a sex joke or are you just lame like that." He rolled his eyes and a few snickers came from the group. "So are we going to keep measuring dìcks, or are we going to introduce ourselves."

I can't wait to MULTIPLY

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