Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes to my alarm on the nightstand. I gently panted, catching my breath. Slowly I stood from my bed, my clothes clung to me from my sweat. My blankets had been tossed from my bed, spared from sweaty doom, and the laundry.

I breathed gently and went to the bath. I'M THE SAME!!! I stared at the mirror unable to comprehend the change to my body. None of it was a dream!? I walked to the calendar in the bathroom. 24th. I thought for a moment, unable to remember the date before my 'dream'.

I grabbed my clothes, showered, and started going through my morning routine. I pulled my sheets and pillows off, carried them downstairs, and tossed them into the washer. I sighed as I thought about everything that happened.

"Hey Sport!" My Dad's voice greeted me. Tears filled my eyes as I heard his voice. "Woah, you look like you just got out of a car wash, but you forgot your car."

"Y-Yeah." I wiped my tears away. "Probably doesn't help that I just got out of the shower." Something stirred in me, I could've sworn this was familiar. Deja vu? He pulled out his notepad from a desk and slipped it into his pocket.

"I got a bit before going in, want me to drive you?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice." The drive felt shorter than normal and I tried my best to talk to him. Of course, he kept telling me jokes, and I couldn't help but laugh. The police car stopped in front of the school.

"Hey, Squirt, things will go back to normal soon, well, as normal without Angy, I promise."

"That's okay Dad. Angelica would want us to move on. Love you." I smiled gently and kissed his head like I used to do as a toddler. He winked at me when he finished, I giggled at it. "Bye Dad!"

I headed up the stairs as Dad drove off. Ben waved at me from the entrance, Toby stood next to him, his back slightly towards me. A sense of Deja Vu hit me again. I know them... FROM THE FOREST!

"Yo! [Name]!" I hurried up the steps and greeted him. My mind struggled to comprehend the new revelation, but it explained how Natalie was with them, and why she goes by Clock instead of her name.

"What would I do if you didn't hang out with me?" Ben shrugged. While in the forest, they did not seem to want to hurt me, they were just curious and worried from what I could tell.

"Probably sit alone and realize you have no friends." I gasped exaggerated like.

"You insult me," I teased and gently hit his shoulder. Toby cleared his throat. "Hey, how are you today?" He looked shocked almost, like he didn't expect me to talk to him.

"Uh- G-Good. I'm T-Toby." I smiled at him and opened the door for them, arching my eyebrow.

"I know. You've already told me." I walked in between the boys as we walked through the empty halls, to the benches outside. "Stupid superstitious holidays" By the time we got to the cafeteria we met up with Jack and Bryan in the hallway. It was almost empty.

"O-Oh! Sorry. I-I thought Y-you weren't L-listening before." He still hesitated after his tics, he was expecting me to yell at him, I made a solemn promise to do my best to watch my emotions around him. I looked at him and stopped walking. Despite only knowing him for a while, I could tell he had depression and low self-esteem.

"Toby," I said in the most serious voice I could. "I will always Listen to you." Both of them looked at me shocked. "If you need to talk, then come to me, even if you think it's stupid."

"Wow, You get attached quick don'cha?" Ben grinned at me as tears came from Toby's eyes. "Com'mon man, dry them tears, the others are waiting for us." Tim walked up behind us.

"Are you going to cry all day or will you fucking move?" Tim glared at Me and Toby. Toby opened and closed his mouth, trying to think of something to say.

"You know what Tim?" I stepped up to him, unflinching. "Roses are red, violets are blue, I have five fingers, the middle ones are for you." With that, I flipped him off, another sense of deja vu. Ben in the background cheered.

"What Tim. Insult me. I DARE YOU." I could feel my insides burn with a flame. The dragon inside was ready to fight. "C'mon Sideburns. DO. SOMETHING." I threatened him, we were locked in a staring contest.

"Tim." Bryan grabbed his shoulder and pulled him away as Ben and Toby did the same to me.

"I knew it was a good idea to come find you guys." Natalie and the rest of the group stared at us, uncertain, antsy.

"Whatever. Fighting you is below me anyway." I stepped away and went over to the table in the shade.

Jack sat down next to me and started unrolling some bandages.

"Here, you're bleeding." I looked down at my hand, my nails had cut my palm just above my wrist. Slowly he started to wrap my hand, and Toby sat beside me. I closed my eyes as Jack wrapped my palms and individual fingers, I gently closed my eyes, allowing my other senses to grow.

"Tim." Ben's voice whispered. "Don't argue with her."

"Argue?" Tim whispered back. "Just cause Slender-"

"She was manifesting!" There was a moment of silence.

"What?" Tim sounded angry but also confused. "We've known her for two weeks, she shouldn't be strong enough to manifest."

"I know. Jeff was the fastest at one month, and those circumstances were extreme. What do you think Slender?" The static buzzed around me, my head ached from the sound. I grimaced and held my brow.

"Are you alright?!" Jack asked me as I leaned on Toby for support.

"I'm-" The static worsened. "fine. Just tired, and I got a headache. I don't think-" The static faded, I could feel something touch my mind. soothingness radiated from it, a pale, slender hand covered my eyes.

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