Chapter Five

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'How long was I out?'

'A while, some people are looking for you.'

'The voice. You said you wouldn't be able to talk to me anymore! Also, why do you sound like me?'

'Think of it as if we are a fusion of between us, we are one being now, with two minds. I can do things you can't, and vice-versa. Normally, we wouldn't be able to communicate until you get stronger, but while you are with Mother, I can come and go as I please.'

'Who is Mother?'

'She is one of the creators. The first horror, the reason why mankind has scary stories. She and Father were the first, together they made the Heart. All three combined makes the concept of horror, fear, and thrill. You are one of these beings, a horror. Father makes Fear beings, such as demons and devils. Then, the Heart powers all of us, give us strength and abilities.'

There was warm water surrounding me.

'What is a horror? '

My lungs cried for air.

'You will learn soon enough. I will lend you my instincts so don't panic when you find yourself acting more like a beast. You're waking up. '

 I opened my eyes. The sky was a strange colour as I swam toward it. Breaking the water, the feeling of a second pair of gigantic hands were connected to my back as all of my limbs moved in sync to push me out of the lake.

I dragged myself up on all fours to the rocks of the lake surrounded by an oak forest. Breathing heavily, I took a moment to gather myself as water fell from my new body. The shades of green leaves bathed me in a blanket of coolness from the rising sun. All of the colours were different, reds and yellows popped out at me, while blue and brown were greyer than usual. Heat radiated off of things, making them shimmer with a strange effect in my eyes. I can't believe it, I'm colorblind and have a sense of heat vision. Shaking off the excess water I analysed more of this new body.

For starters, the trees were larger from my view as I stood on my paws. 'There is no way I'm human.' I was more bird-like than a lizard, with small feathers lining my back. They are supposed to lie flat against the body to protect it from the wind, cold, and sun. It also gives my new body a smooth, streamlined shape for flying.  I noticed my skin was now a shade of black, with spots and blobs of lighter and darker shades of my favorite colors lining me. Probably for blending in better at night.

It wasn't till I looked at my back did I realize my gigantic hands were leathery wings, and I had a tail. In the dreams, the tail was similar to a crocodile, mine looked like a dinosaur, long and straight. At the end was a blade-like oval protrusion, near it, multiple rows of sharp spikes. Shaking my tail caused them to hit each other making a rattling noise, the tone was deeper than a rattlesnake, not like shaking hallow cartilage. It sounded almost like a metal chain underwater moving around. 'This thing is dangerous.'

An idea popped into my head, back and forth I swung my tail in the air, and in a single swipe, it sliced straight through a full-grown oak tree. The branches snapped as the tree crashed into the grass. A strange symbol was spray painted on the wood an O with a crossed X through it. I sniffed the wood, as a dog would, to figure out who made it. 'I have to smell more things for it to work better… I think.'

The air became warmer as I walked passed the trees on a path, without my wings, my back barely reached the height of the bushes. 'I'm almost as tall as a pony or a great dane.' The dirt path led me to a small stream, I stood just a few yards away, looking for any sign of danger. Slowly I approached the stream, extending my wings out to prevent anything from attacking. I lowered my head to the water, my eyes and ears were on a swivel.

I let my tongue simply touch the water's surface, pulling my tongue away it made a small water pillar. After closing my mouth on the water, the liquid felt soft on my tongue, like soft fabric being rubbed on me. Quickly, I checked for danger before I went a little closer. I tried to lap the water quicker but it made too much noise. This is going to put me in danger if I can't be quiet. Who knows what will try to attack and eat me.

An idea came to me, and I moved to the water. Careful not to inhale the stream, I put my mouth under the surface and drank. I made no noise and it was easy to keep a look out for larger creatures.

My stomach churned in hunger. Well, if I follow the stream, there are high chances I'll run into something I can eat. I looked at the wobbly reflection on the water, my teeth were made for killing. A pair of bottom and top fangs, before a row of teeth, behind them another row. But with molars at the back for chewing, and more rows seemed to line my throat.

 I looked around before looking at the sky. I imagined the wind around me as I twirled around, flying felt so right, the freedom, the wind on my scales. 'It's so close. Birds fly all the time, how hard can it be?' I got into a sitting-like position, with my wings outstretched and my tail, flat.

The animals of the forest went quiet as I leaped into the air and my wings flapped rapidly. I hovered in the air before I crashed into the water. The sensation of eyes on me made my scales shiver and I tried to take off again only to splash in the stream. I'm too heavy to take off, and I've made too much noise, I have to get out of here before a predator comes.

 I jumped off into a run in a random direction. I ran as fast as I could flapping my wings to make me go faster. Wild predators will come around interested in me if I stay, that would be an unnecessary risk.

I caught my breath from running, I seemed to be in a deeper part of the woods. The area was darker, and the trees were thicker. Then I smelled blood. The sweet scent made my mouth water and my stomach growl. giving another sniff, it was a small creature, mammal, herbivore, perhaps a fawn? I hunched over and snuck around some bushes to a dead rabbit. It lay unmoving as I analyzed the area.

The creature had a hole in its shoulder but no other marks, blood still oozed from the wound. 'A bullet. I should leave, but I'm hungry… what if I swallow it whole?' I quickly grabbed the dead mammal by its feat and swallowed it hole. It slid down my throat as I shook my body, using the sharp teeth in my throat to cut the rabbit up. A noise caught my attention.

A large horned beast crashed into me, pinning my tail and back legs, my head hit the ground as someone's voice shouted. I crawled out from under the heavy horned creature, my legs carving into the ground. It looked like a humanoid lizard with horns on its head. Different shades of green gave it a tiger design across its leather skin.

Snapping twigs and crunching leaves came closer as a group ran towards me. In the corner of my eye, a faceless person in a suit stood and watched me bolt away. I ran for a while, at least until the sky started to turn dark. The suited man appeared in my peripheral vision following me.

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