Chapter 6

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Sniffing gravel, I followed a road I found for a few minutes. Somehow I lost the man in a suit, or he stopped following me. My mind pulled images from my memories as I lay down, catching my breath. The stripped lizard man was familiar. I've never seen him before, but I recognized his species, and one word came to mind, 'FEAR'. That being was a creature of fear, made by Father, a demon. Did Father make dragons, too? Would that make us related?

Though it doesn't matter now, I'm with Mother. A feeling of remorse and emptiness filled me. What am I going to do now? Is this my life? What about my family? I huffed as a noise pulled me from my mind. I sniffed the air again as I walked to a bush on the side of the path before halting, 'Something is here.' I could feel a pair of eyes on me, looking up to the trees, the pale faceless man stared back at me.

I cocked my head at the man, and he returned the gesture. I sniffed the air, his scent was different, and took a few steps forward and stopped at the tree line. The faceless man lowered to his knee and offered his hand. His fingertips felt cool against my nose, and he gently rubbed my head like a pet. A feeling touched my mind and I jumped back, hissing.

My head snapped up as rocks were crunched under rushing feet. I looked over to a group as they skid to a halt, different weapons were in their hands. A sword, knives, a few guns, and hatchets, poised ready for a fight. It grew quiet in the forest as a growling hiss left my mouth at the group. One of them stepped forward, I jerked my wings up and curled my back, my tail raised, slowly swinging back and forth. They all stepped back as I roared at them and snapped my jaws.

The faceless man stepped adjacent to me, and strange static noises filled the air. His hand gestures made it seem like he was their leader. I took the opportunity to analyze them, most of them had masks or face coverings, except for four. A tall monochrome clown, a Link look-a-like but with leaking black eyes, a shaggy raven-haired boy with a smile cut into his face, but what shocked me the most was Natalie.

She stood next to the group, instead of an eyepatch, a sewed-in ticking clock. I stepped back looking back and forth from the tall man, the group, and Natalie. A few of them stepped forward, using soothing tones. The Black-eyed Link slowly approached me, he carefully lowered himself to his hands. He outstretched his hand to me and pulled out a strange instrument. Blowing into it soothed me, the sound was sweet and captivating.

The musical notes he played were soothing as I bobbed my head gently to the delicate song. I stared at him for a moment, watching the group behind him move closer to see. A small rumbling sensation appeared in my chest, almost like a deep purring. The boy ended his song and took a few steps toward me, his hand outstretched to touch my head.

I sniffed at him before looking at Natalie. I growled and snapped at his hand to get him away from me. I inhaled before sending a grayish cloud of smoke at the group and took off in a full gallop into the forest. Flapping was enough to push me off the ground but I wasn't strong enough to take to the skies. It made me faster as I ran, and questions swirled in my mind.

None of them had made a move to follow me as I galloped away. Then I hit the water. I managed to run back to the lake I emerged from, the water splashed over my talons. With a small jump, I landed on a branch of a tree.

It gave a good view of the surrounding area, and I'd be able to see anyone coming. I lay flat on a branch as the minutes passed, waiting until I drifted to sleep.

I jolted awake on a tile floor, a dark room with a single candle illuminated me and a chain. A metal collar was connected to a pair of manacles, constricting my movements.

"Hello Child." A man's voice greeted me. "Little One~" I looked around the room, the darkness prevailed beyond the light of the candle. "Leave your burdens," The man's voice echoed all around me. "Follow me." I slowly stood as the chain connecting the floor snapped. A cloaked man with a dark beard picked up the candle.

"You are unique, child." I cautiously followed him, uncomfortably aware that he didn't remove the manacles or collar. "A dragon, made by me, but a horror made by Mother." He stopped as he came to a waterfall inside the void area. "You have a choice." He touched my forehead and reverted me to my human form.

The black scales, feathers, and color slowly receded from my chest and head, down to my shoulders, then arms, before it all stopped at my nails. Making my fingers look as if I hand black acrylics on. My hair also changed, it now shimmered as if I took glittering stars and put them into my hair. My vision changed, in one eye, I could see like a dragon, but in the other, I saw things as a human.

"Your power will be strong." I looked at myself, trying to grapple with the new changes, then to him. Father. "I will be watching." I didn't have a chance to respond as he sent me flying away with his powers

I opened my eyes to my alarm on the nightstand.

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