I told you so <3

577 9 1

Y/C-your choice

Y/L/N-your last name

"Hi!" I yelled whilst I flung my arms around my boyfriend, Noah's, neck. He hugged me tightly then pulled away, kissing me gently on my head. He stepped inside then shut the door, "so what movie shall we watch?" I asked excitably.

It was our weekly movie night, where every Friday we went to one of each other's houses and picked a movie to watch. This week he came round to mine, and it was also my turn to pick the movie. I intertwined our hands and pulled him into the living room, "I can't decide" I said gesturing to Noah all the DVD's I had laid out.  Noah chuckled "we might just have to watch them all".

"Hello Noah" My mum said brightly then immediately pulled Noah into her arms. She hugged him tightly, then stepped back and exclaimed, "you have gotten so tall". Noah smiled, my mum pushed me towards him and chuckled at our height difference. "You two are so adorable" she said, ushering us to sit down on the sofa with her.

"So, are you staying for dinner Noah?" My mum asked kindly, "If that's alright with you" Noah replied sweetly. My mother nodded, "yes of course, we're ordering pizza". "Sounds good" Noah said as he leaned his head on mine.  "What movie are you two watching" My mum asked, I shrugged in response. "Okay, well I'll leave you love birds alone. Shout if you need anything" My mum said while she went off to her bedroom.

Noah picked up Ratatouille and gave me an innocent look, I rolled my eyes "We watched that last time" I groaned. Noah laughed "ok but you know I love it".

I took us a while to decide but eventually I chose Y/C, I put the movie in and wandered off to the kitchen to get snacks. "Hey Noah, any preference?" I shouted; I heard a pater of footsteps approach me. Then Noah hugged me from behind and whispered, "Gogo squeezes", "okay" I laughed.  I picked four Gogo squeezes and then we sat back down on the sofa.

I lay my head on Noah's chest as we watched the film, he played with my hair as I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck.  A few minutes later he whispered "Y/N". I looked up at him and furrowed my eyebrows, "what" I asked in a concerned tone. He lifted four empty Gogo squeeze packets and pouted his lips. My eyes widened as I let out a laugh, "Noah! You were supposed to share with me, two each" I giggled. Noah laughed too and pulled me closer towards him. "I was hungry" He mumbled; I pursed my lips to hold back my smile.

"What would you two want on your pizzas" My mum shouted once she made it down the stairs. She smiled brightly as she saw us huddled together, I quickly moved away from Noah "Uh, I don't mind" I mumbled awkwardly. My mum raised her eyebrow at me, "okay, Noah what would you like?". "Can I just have a margarita Mrs Y/L/N" Noah said respectfully, he then gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I widened my eyes at him as he smirked. My mum laughed, "Y/N what would you like?" she asked. "Uh I'll just have Y/C thanks" I said quickly. 

My mum nodded and heeded upstairs. I turned to face Noah and paused the film, "you kissed me on my cheek, Infront of my mum" I stated. Noah chuckled, "so". I raised my eyebrows, "so!" I exclaimed. Noah intertwined our hands, "she doesn't mind, she loves me" he says in a smug expression whilst he lent back and crossed his arms. "And so do you" Noah continues. At that I blush, Noah catches my eyes and smiles.

"What's your point" I mumbled, "she supports us" he says. I nod and put the movie back on, Noah wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him. "I love you" I said, Noah looks down at me and beams "I know you do, and I love you too" he smirked.  I roll my eyes and kiss him gently on his jaw line. He lifts his head down and connects our lips softly. I kiss him back eagerly as Noah places his hand on the back of my neck. "So, who want's pizza" I hear my mum ask. I freeze then we both pull away. "Yeah, pizza sound great" I say quickly. My mum smiles and hands me and Noah the box of pizza "you two are so cute" she exclaims. "Mum!" I groan, she shakes her head sarcastically and walks away. Then Noah gives me an, I told you so, look before tucking into the pizza.

Hi! Hope you liked this imagine

Steph :)

𝐵𝑈𝑇𝑇𝐸𝑅𝐹𝐿𝐼𝐸𝑆- Noah Schnapp Imagines Where stories live. Discover now