Prom <3

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Flash back

"Mum, I don't want to go!" I yelled as my face flushed and anger built up inside of me. "Sweetie, I know your disappointed that Noah hasn't asked you too prom yet" She says calmly, I rolled my eyes and said "it's not that, he's been distant. He won't hang out with me and he's always so busy. Besides he would have asked me by now". My mum sighed and tucked me in bed, "just have a good night's rest" she whispered and gave me a quick kiss on my forehead.

My mum left and I tossed and turned, it was no use. I couldn't get to sleep. I kept thinking of Noah and asking myself over and over what I had done wrong. Eventually it came to midnight, and I was wide awake, which wasn't good as I had to be up early in the morning. I sat up and scrolled though Tik Tok, a weird video popped up on my following. "Noah?" I whispered to myself; he was dancing to a song. My favourite song, the song that was playing when we had our first kiss. I smiled sadly to myself and looked back at the video; he was with a load of friends in front of my house. I gulped as I felt my eyes sting, why would he do that?

"Y/N look out the window!" Noah shouted in the video, I frowned and suddenly heard a faint hum of music. Not just anything, the song. I got out of bed and threw the curtains open, I widened my eyes and stopped breathing. I stared out of the window in shock, Noah was there. He was dancing just like he was in the video with a bunch of people, there was a sudden nock on my door.

I practically jumped out of bed and flung the door open; no one was there. Just a trail of rose petals. I smiled to myself and followed them instantly. My mother walked up to me before I could open the door, she winked at me "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you" She whispered. I grin and open the door; loud music fills my ears as I rush up to the party. The petals have formed a heart around Noah and the group, Millie, Sadie, Finn, Caleb, and Gaten are there. Along with all my school friends, everyone bursts into cheers when they see me approach.

They all step out of the heart which leaves Noah in the middle, the music gets quitter as he holds up a sign. I narrow my eyes and read the words painted on it, "be the eleven to my mike and come with me to the snowball, PROM?". I burst out laughing and rushed up to him, it was a terrible pun, but he knew I loved stranger things. His face lit up as he saw me smiling, I threw my arms around his neck and yelled "of course!". Everyone cheered and applauded. Noah dropped the sign and wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me closer to him. We hugged each other tightly, I looked up into his eyes and grinned. He smirked and leaned in, kissing me softly. I kissed him back and felt a swarm of butterflies in my stomach.

Back to current time

"You look lovely sweetie" My mum says as she combes through my hair, I look in my mirror and feel a smile pull at my lips. I did feel quite pretty, for once. It was prom night and I had just finished getting ready. My hair was perfectly curled, and my makeup looked surprisingly good, and I can't forget the dress. It was beautiful, I felt like a princess and then all I needed was my prince. Noah, my boyfriend should be arriving soon.

"Sweetie come show your dad!" My mum called from downstairs, I walked down the stairs slowly as I wasn't very good at walking in heals. My dad smiled brightly at me, and I swear I even saw a tear roll down his cheek. "You look lovely Y/N" he said as I hugged him gently, he wiped away his tears and laughed "you're all grown up now" he muttered. I frowned, "dad don't make me cry" I laughed.


My heart rate picked up and I rushed to go find my bag upstairs, "mum open the door please!" I shouted. I heard the sound of our front door unlocking and then the familiar and comforting sound of his voice. I smiled to myself, feeling my face get hot. I picked up my new bag, it is light pink with gems on it, that Noah bought me for my birthday last year. I looked in the mirror one last time and took in a deep breathe whilst I relaxed my shoulders.

"Y/N, are you coming?" My dad shouted, I fumbled with one of the straps on my shoes and walked clumsily to the edge of the stairs. My dad must have been in the living room because I heard him shout again, "Noah is she there?".  Noah just stared up at me, his lips were parted as if he was trying to speak but couldn't. His gaze travelled up and down me whilst he just grinned, he kept closing and reopening his mouth to try and get his words out. I walked down the stairs one step at a time while Noah was still gaping at me in awe.

My dad walked up next to Noah and patted his shoulder firmly, Noah cleared his throat and covered his mouth with his hand. "You- Y/N- I just... wow" he said breathlessly. I stepped off the last step and immediately ran into his arms, he pulled me close to him and kissed the top of my head. "You look beautiful" he says with a bright smile, I pull away from him before saying "really?". Noah just frowns and looks at me shocked, "have you looked in the mirror, you look gorgeous" he smiles as he takes my hands into his.

My mum smiles before saying, "okay love birds I need a picture". Me and Noah stood next to each other, he wraps his arm around my waist, and I place my hand on his chest. Noah looked so fine, he had a black tux on and a cute Y/C tie on to match the colour of my dress. His hair looked so fluffy and soft, once my mum took a pic, I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with the ends of his hair. He pulled me close to him by my waist which sent shivers down my spine, he smirked and hugged me once more until my dad said, "you two should get going".

I stepped away from Noah and walked up to my parents, "bye!" I exclaimed as I gave them both a hug before Noah walked me out to his car. Noah opened my side door, and closed it once I sat in. He got in the driver's side and turned to me quickly, "please don't think so little of yourself, you always look beautiful" he said. I smiled at him and felt myself blush, "by the way you look really good" I say as I purse my lips together to hide my grin.

Time skip

"And the prom queen is Y/N!" The teacher shouts. My jaw drops as I smile brightly, I look at Noah and he signals me to go on stage. I let go of his hand and walk on stage, the teacher put a beautiful tiara on my head. I beam at the crowed and say, "thanks for voting for me!".

"The prom king is... Noah Schnapp!" The teacher yells, Noah makes eye contact with me and laughs. I grin at him as he walks up on the stage and the teacher places a crown on his head.  "Uh wow, thanks guys!" Noah shouts into the microphone. Noah intertwines our hands and pulls me closer to him, I place my hands on his shoulders as he leans in and connects our lips. We both smile into the kiss, and I kiss back softly, the whole class is cheering and applauding. We pull away as the teacher laughs and tells us to have our dance.

The music plays, and guess what it was my favourite song. I giggle at Noah, and he shakes his head with a smile, I put my hands on his shoulders as he places his hands on my hips. We dance gently to the beat of the music for a moment and lean our foreheads on each other. And that similar feeling of butterflies is back.

Hey guys hope you liked this imagine!

Mind how cringy it is (kinda cute though) LMAO 😭
Also imagine the blonde girl in the pic is you 😏

Steph <3

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