The best date ever <3

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"We are going to stare at paintings... at one in the morning" I said slowly, trying to understand what the idea was. Noah shook his head and chuckled, "you're missing the point baby, no one else will be there. We get to run around and explore an art museum at night". A smile pinched at the corners of my mouth, he remembered. When we first started dating I joked about how he was so famous he could probably rent a museum out, I completely forgot about it. "You remembered" I exclaimed, he smiled and nodded his head before explaining, "yeah of course, I went here a couple of weeks ago and thought of you".

We are stood in the centre of the museum, there are three corridors sprouting off in different directions. "Take your pick" he said, I narrowed my eyes as I tried to peer down the corridors. "Third times Lucky" I joked and pointed to the third corridor. Noah intertwined our hands and we started walking down the corridor.

"Now this is a modern art museum so, it's going to be crazy" he squealed once we entered the first room. The colours took me by surprise, there was an array of colours casted on the ceiling by a dazzling disco ball. "How is this art" I muttered, Noah grinned and threw his arms up in the air whilst he spun around. The colours swept across him, casting beautiful patterns on his white shirt. "This is more of an immersive museum" he shouted. I nodded and joined him in the centre of the room, we danced for a while and enjoyed the ocean of colours. He grabbed my hand and spun me, we both laughed as he picked me up and twirled me around.

He placed me down and said, "next room?". I nodded excitably and raced him down the corridor to the next room. Well it wasn't really a room, it looked never ending. The room was lined with mirrors all around, and I mean everywhere, there was no space left. I looked down at my own reflection and startled slightly, Noah giggled and ran towards a red button.

He pressed it and a video started playing, from underneath our feet. The video of the ocean was played on all the mirrors around us, it felt like we were actually underwater. I gasped slightly and spun around the room, "better than staring at old paintings right?" Noah laughed. I looked at him and nodded, I was lost for words. Tons of fish swam around, we both chased after them. Noah laughed and hugged me tightly, "we don't have long shall we move on" he whispered into my ear. I nodded slowly as we walked out of the room.

The next room in this weird museum was small but was filled from head to toe with fake jungle like plants, we pushed our way through the leaves to another room, I frowned and turned to Noah. "What was that about" I asked, "what you don't usually walk through jungles in museums" Noah said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and reached out for his hand, he held it tightly as we came into a black room with weird giant rocks.

Noah smiled and passed me a black coat and put on his, I frowned but put it on anyway. "Ever played paint ball?" He joked. I only gaped at him, "seriously" I whispered. He passed me a paint ball gun and ran behind a rock. I put my hood up and tried to peer around but I couldn't see him, "oh camouflage" I muttered under my breath. A splat of neon yellow paint landed on my shoulder, I clenched my jaw and turned around quickly. I spotted him and shot a splat of paint in his direction, "bullseye" I laughed as I watched the orange paint drip down his face. Noah sneered at me and fired paint in my direction, I dodged it and stuck out my tongue.

We  played a few more round until we were covered in paint, Noah ran up to me with his arms up in a surrender "don't shoot" he laughed. I walked up to him as he wrapped his arms around me and then smeared paint on my face, I looked up at him and glared. I swiped some paint off my shirt and dapped his nose, he grinned and kissed my head gently.

We moved into the next room once we took of our jackets, "okay time to release all your anger out for loosing" Noah said. I poured and shook my head with a glare, "I didn't loose" I said. Noah shrugged and passed me a hammer, "did to" he chuckled.

"So whats this room?" I asked to charge the subject, he smirked and grabbed a hammer before hitting a fake person. It was made out of plastic and it crumbled quickly. "An anger room" I said as I moved towards another doll and hit it hard with the hammer, we both continued around the room. Noah screamed and cut the dummy's head off, I laughed and did the same to the other doll.

There was one doll left, me and Noah exchanged glances before he dropped his hammer and put his hand on mine. Together we did the last hit, I squealed as the doll crumbled and bit of material sprayed around the room. Noah gripped my hand and held his arm over my head to stop plastic going in my direction, he kissed my cheek gently and whispered "had fun?". I looked up at him and frowned, "it's over" I muttered. He smiled and nodded, "yeah". "Best date ever" I exclaimed, Noah grinned brightly and picked me up bridal style. "Really?" He asked, I nodded excitingly and leaned in. We kissed softly; butterflies were in my stomach as I felt my cheeks flare up, we both smiled into the kiss.

Hey guys hope you liked this one, idk where it came from in its random lol

Mind any spelling and grammar errors because I'm not writing on my computer

Thanks for reading :)

Steph <3

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