A Win Win situation <3

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I woke up with a sore throat and a dull ache in my head. I sat up and pushed my blankets off my legs and clambered out of bed. The edge of my vision becomes fuzzy when I try to walk over to my bedroom door and my legs feel like jelly, so I tumble backwards. I sigh and reach for my phone on my bedside table, my first thought is to dial my parents, but my dad is on a work trip and my mum is meeting her friends. Neither of them has any time to relax so I immediately feel a pang of guilt, I don't want to ruin or disrupt their day. I will tell them soon, but first I call my boyfriend Noah.

He picks up the phone on the first ring and says worriedly, "Y/N, are you okay?". I try to speak but my voice is too croaky. "I'm sick" I manage to say, "okay I'm coming over" he says straight away. "I don't want to make you ill" I mumble, I hear Noah sigh and then he says, "I don't care if I get sick Y/N". I smile to myself and say, "I love you", he replies quickly with "I love you too, give me a few minutes and I will be there" then hangs up the phone.

Noah's Pov

As soon as I end the call, I jump up from the sofa grab my car keys and my wallet and practically run out the door. I fumble with the door key and curse under my breathe. I lock the door and get into my car; I head straight to her house.

While I'm driving a thought pops into my head and I divert to the local shop by her house. I make my way into the store quickly and run to the snack isle, I get her favourite snacks and drinks then grab some paracetamol and different flavours of teas. I pay quickly and get back into the car.

Back to Y/N pov

When I hear the doorbell, I smile to myself then I get up and slowly make my way to the door. I open the door and say, "sorry I can barley walk". Noah puts down a plastic bag and closes the door before picking me up, bridal style. He exclaims, "I'll carry you then". I smile and chuckle, but my laugh eventually turns into a cough. "Noah I am so glad you came but I really don't want to infect you" I say, Noah frowns at me and places me down on the sofa. "Y/N I don't mind" he says with a smile as he wanders over to the kitchen with the plastic bag.

"Okay I have herbal tea, chocolate and loads of other stuff" Noah declares as he puts on the kettle, he rushes back over to me and grabs a blanket from the closet. He puts it over me and grins, he gestures for me to move over. "Noah" I persist but Noah leans in and kisses my lips gently, "Y/N I am always here for you, you are my everything" he says. My stomach flutters and I feel my eyes sting with happy tears, "thankyou but you're going to have to quarantine with me" I laugh. I shuffle over as Noah lays down next to me and wraps his arms around me, "I get to spend more time with you then" he whispers and kisses my head.

I hear the kettle whistle and Noah gets off the sofa and prepares the tea. He comes back and passes me a hot mug of herbal tea and puts a plate of chocolate down on the coffee table. I look at my favourite chocolate bars and smile brightly, Noah smirks and lays back down on the sofa with me. "Are you too hot or too cold?" Noah asks, I roll my eyes with a slight smile "Noah I'm fine, really. Thank you so much".

I grab the tv remote and put Netflix on, I pass it to him with a smile, "the least I can do is let you pick". He smiles excitably and scrolls through the movies. He ends up deciding on Ratatouille with makes me laugh, "What" he says with a smirk. We always watch Ratatouille to cheer ourselves up, it's like our comfort film.

He has his arm around me, and my head is rested on his chest, for the whole film we cuddle and never let each other go. When the film finishes, I put my empty mug on the table and share the chocolate with him. "Have you called your parents?" Noah asks, I look down at the plate of chocolate and sigh. "Y/N you need to tell them" Noah says gently, I look up at him and nod. Noah passes me my phone and I push myself up so I'm sitting instead of lying, my mum dosen't pick up.

I shrug and look back at Noah, I gaze into his eyes and automatically feel my face turn hot. My eyes flicker to his lips as he smirks, "you're cute when you blush" he teases. I look down and purse my lips, "I'm sick, I think I'm just burning up" I mumble. Noah laughs as he shakes his head, I look back up and watch as his gaze wander all over my face and eventually lands on my lips. Noah places a hand on my cheek and leans in, I'm about to lean in too but my stomach drops. I stiffen and look at Noah when I say, "I really don't want you to catch my cold". Noah shakes his head and rubs circles on my cheek with his thumb, "Y/N I really don't care" he says. I smile slightly but before I can say anything Noah cups my face with his hands and joins our lips passionately. I feel him smile into the kiss which makes my stomach flutter and my heart skip a beat.

We pull away and Noah says, "I will have an excuse not to do homework". I sarcastically gape at him and say teasingly, "so you don't actually want to kiss me". Noah rolls his eyes and says with a smile, "of course I do, but if I get sick, I don't have to do homework. It's a win, win kind of situation!". I frown at him and laugh, "you know the phrase is, win loose situation" he grabs my hand and says "not for me" then gives me a small kiss on my cheek.

Hey guys sorry for not posting, hope you enjoyed this imagine :)

Steph <3

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