❀ About me ✦ [I've been summoned by tags, & I'm tired asf, what a great combo]✦❀

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First off the fanart of Chuuya... 🛐🛐(Ahem, Dazai if you don't want him, and are going to kill him... 😃✋) [no, I'm kidding- or am I?] 

... Yeah, I am I'm sorry

Anyway, yes, I was tagged I believe twice, and It's fucking 4:20, a mosquito has been sucking my blood discreetly all night, I swear I'm going to die some day from the amount of blood these mosquitoes keep stealing. 🙄

I once asked my mum to help me search for one that bit me throughout the night (yes, this has happened MORE THAN ONCE) she got it, and killed the little sucker, but it left behind a smudge of blood.... MY FUCKING BLOOD- 🤢

Mfs can't get their own supply of blood, or find another soul to suck dry? IS MINE THAT TASTY?? 

Anybody have a blood kink, because I'm free real-estate bb 😏😘

(Soraya if you comment on that, I'm disowning you indefinitely) 


Okay, I likely won't even know the answer to a number of these, but here it goes!

Last time my mum and I checked; 5'1 (short people must unite)  

• Weight
I'll probably have to check that tomorrow, I'm too tired for this, that's my excuse
So, at the moment I'm not sure. 😎

• Shoe size
Remind me why this is a question? Again, I'd have to check in a few hours, when I'm actually awake. I really don't know though, maybe 11 or sm? (I seem to remember 11 I don't know why) 

• Virgin
Hahah, you know being homeschooled for the majority of my life, and living in an apartment, ON TOP OF THAT a completely different country, just why-? In short, yes, yes I am. 

• Have I smoked?
No, but there are a lot of people where I live that do, and its sickening to see and smell 

• Crush
.... The whole homeschool situation has probably made this quiet clear

• Middle name
Grace (yeah why, literally why 😭)

• Do I have tattoes?
No, but I have to respect whoever does 🙏

• Have I gotten drunk?
I don't think so, but my parents will occasionally let me take sips from their alcoholic beverages, and I believe for my 13th birthday my mum bought me a small bottle of damn champange, so I'm beginning to second-guess that answer- 

• Best friend
preppysoraya (She's such a good author I swear--) 
In a serious discussion, I'm glad to have her, without her and actually my family, as well as everybody I've met through Wattpad. I feel my mental condition would decline, because staying in an apartment most of the time, can get a bit overwhelming. Especially with addtitional stress of flying out to my home country with my mum in July, just the thought of leaving my dog, and my father behind can really get to me. So I have to thank you all, and her for everything she's done, all the times she's cheered me up and vise versa <3

Soraya if you're reading this, I'll be glad to see you again in a few months, because we've been apart for too long. 🤧🤍 
I know nobody is ready for us to be together in person, but whatever, their loss 😒

• Biggest fear(s)
Do i even have any..? 
Oh, wait no- okay yeah I do;  

1. My older sister eventually pulling away from family (us)

2. Dreams, they can sometimes scare the shit out of me, I don't think I could even describe one nightmare I had, I actually woke up from it, and I don't normally

Bungou Stray Dogs &quot;𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕜&quot; 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤 🤪Where stories live. Discover now